Fallout Sonora DLC "Dayglow" RELEASED!


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member

A few days ago the highly anticipated DLC for Fallout Sonora was finally released. It's titled Dayglow and takes place in San Diego. You can travel there once you have reached level 7.

The situation with the English translation effort remains unfortunate and Fallout: Sonora and it's DLC are still in Russian. However esteemed community member @Alphons has found a Polish translation of the base game with the translator working on Dayglow.

I'll end with some screenshots by @Keyboard Gecko that he posted on X:
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It’s looks so good. Fuck, man. I never thought I’d be jealous of Russians. I guess I’ll wait for the Warlockracy video.
Unfortunate that the translation has completely fallen through. Once again BlackDesigner outdoes himself.
Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay... Just translate it already! :(
Или вы можете выучить русский. Не такой уж сложный язык!

Just kidding. I just hope I'll find time to finish Nevada & Sonora before I die. Backlog is a bitch.
What's the format of the texts? Could ChatGPT be used to translate it?

Edit: I am asking the question in the wrong thread! Will check what's been going on in the other one
Semi-unfortunate semi-good news for those who were waiting for the "official" hand-translated English version of Sonora. I asked on their Discord whether or not the project was still going as there hasn't been an update for years, and the response is basically this:

There IS a full English translation for Sonora + Dayglow out right now, however it uses a machine AI as a base for it's translation and is slowly being hand tweaked every so often with a goal of making it consistently legible. The developers of the official hand-translated version gave a lot of their files to this AI translation team, so technically you'll find the work that the hand-translation team did, however the hand-translation project is officially inactive.

You can find the AI translation mod here:

Now obviously this is both good and bad. It's good because you technically can play Sonora + Dayglow in English right now! The mod is right there. On the other hand you'll have to deal with some rough AI translations that might take you out of the game world from time to time, until the day comes where the full mod is fixed up to the dev team's perfection. I went ahead and installed Sonora + Dayglow with this mod and from my initial playtime, I noticed the intro and perhaps any other cutscenes involving dialogue like the end slides is currently untranslated, and the dialogue very much feels AI translated at times which isn't a good thing.

I'm kinda disappointed because I wouldn't have minded waiting for the official English translation team to complete the mod with care and craftsmanship, released as a full package. Instead, now we wait for the AI team to translate the mod in full, and I'm unsure if they plan on translating the cutscene dialogue as well. Nevertheless, I wish the team good luck on their endeavors.
I asked ChatGPT to write my reply.

It's like expecting a gourmet meal and getting a fast-food version instead — it fills the gap, but you can't help but miss the chef's touch.
@PaxVenire thank you for your report! It's a sad business that the translation of Sonora ended the way it did. Hopefully the AI translation will be polished in time to allow for an enjoyable playthrough.