Fallout sounds a must in FO3!

Jame Hammer

First time out of the vault
Don't know if this has been discussed before - been about a year since my last post/visit in this forum, so please forgive me for this potentially redundant topic.

I just wanted to point out the importance of the sound environment in any experience, be it movies, games, theater etc, naturally here mainly in regards to FO3.

Focus has mostly been to get the visual appeal of things to match the FO universe, but has the importance of the sound environment been overlooked? (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)

Here's my point (finally): Having similar or exactly the same sounds (clicks n' bleeps in user interface, environmental, music, effects in game) in FO3 will be absolutely necessary (IMHO) to maintain a true FO feel!

EDIT: I have a tendency to assume people know what I'm thinking, and sometimes end up misunderstood: To further explain my point, I do not mean that all the sounds should be moved over to FO3 from FO1 or 2 as they are, or that all of the sounds are great. I'm trying to point out the principle of having even some sounds or pieces of music from the previous fallouts (perhaps enhanced, remixed, whatnot) in the new game to bring out the "feeling" that you are actually playing a Fallout game.

Don't think this has been pointed out alot, but just think of/compare the sounds in Half-Life and in HL2 as opposed to HL2 and e.g Doom and you'll get what I'm saying here.

I'm (pretty)sure that the sound specialists at bethesda have indeed taken this into account, and what I've just said may be in the category of "Bears shit in the woods", but just wanted to get that thought off my head....

...do with it what you may... :wink:

The music of FO and FO2 was great, but the sound effects were kinda lame IMO. I want to hear people gargle when I cut their throats, I want to hear them squeal like pigs when I shoot them in the groin, and so on.
If you ask me, the sound effects in FO and FO2 were mediocre, probably the weakest part of the games.
Bethesda should be consistent when choosing the music and sound effects, but they shouldn't recycle the stuff from the previous games. That wouldn't make sense for a brandnew game. That would only make sense for a mod.
Well, alec does have a point, but some sounds were excellent... the sounds of bones breaking when you ripped off their torso or of flesh shredded in a burst almost gave me a hard-on.

So, some sounds should be recycled I think, but new ones are needed too.
alec said:
I want to hear people gargle when I cut their throats, I want to hear them squeal like pigs when I shoot them in the groin, and so on.

FeelTheRads said:
... the sounds of bones breaking when you ripped off their torso or of flesh shredded in a burst almost gave me a hard-on.


Can you see a pattern here?! - concerned at all are you?! :lol:

Just kidding... :wink:
I thing that you meant more of the non-combat sounds that are like pushing a console button, and I definitely want to hear them(the old sounds) in new one.
Jame Hammer said:
I'm (pretty)sure that the sound specialists at bethesda have indeed taken this into account...
Are you really sure that there are any sound specialists on board at the project jet, cause I am thinking that they are now just trying to get the role playing(statics, skills, perks...) integrated to the visual engine. That's why there are no screens and the pr-people don't want to talk much about the game.
The non-combat sounds such as the user interface (console) were actually what I was thinking of at first - then I remembered the music from one town(I forget the name now...)...and then I remembered the sound of the gat gun etc - lots of sounds that take me back to the freaky fallout universe :)

Jarno Mikkola said:
Are you really sure that there are any sound specialists on board at the project jet, cause I am thinking that they are now just trying to get the role playing(statics, skills, perks...) integrated to the visual engine. That's why there are no screens and the pr-people don't want to talk much about the game.

Well no, I have no idea if the sound people are actually working on Fallout 3 yet :oops:

However, I do believe and hope that people making the sounds to a sequel in any series would have enough sense keep the sound environment more or less faithful to the predecessors.

I bet this guy is going to be part of the process tho: http://www.elderscrolls.com/codex/team_teamprof_mlampert.htm

...and that's an interesting read btw.
I always loved the sound of the minigun...The music rocked, especially the Junktown and Necropolis themes IMO.
About music in fallout

I loved the music on the two fallout titles. Its was simple, dark and gave the games that certain mood. Maybe bethesda should use some of the old background music but give it a proper polish. Also I think they should concider Mike Patton (faith no more etc) as a composer for the new background musics. He did a good job on GTA: San Andreas. In my opinion his dark mood compositions on Fantômas's Delirium Cordia are just up fallouts alley.
The sound is half the experience.
IMNSHO all the music from Fallout should be reused, or at least the best of them, plus some of the music from Fallout 2.
I would sincerely hate it if they tweaked the music from any of the towns, it would be like tweaking on THE SPECIAL (If it ain't broke, don't try and fix it.)

As for gun sounds I think some of the old one's should be used, like the gatling laser, c'mon, you all love that sound. Also the plasma rifle/pistol, laser rifle/pistol, gauss rifle/pistol, all the fictional high tech guns that have sounds we have all grown used to.
But when it comes to normal guns like the 10mm pistol, smg, assault rifle, shotgun, etc. they could and maybe even should change them.(as Alec said the sound effects weren't really good)
With the exception of the 14mm pistol, wich really really really(!) deserves the big BAM!-sound

Most likely though, Beth will find new sounds for everything, and they will make new music along the lines of tictacs, wich ambient "music" I actually liked, but never reminded me of Fallout
It's a duty to engage Mark Morgan again for the music in Fallout 3. I don't want to hear any pathetic garbage like Jeremy Soule's theme for Morrowind transferred to the Fallout environment. Of course he would avoid an orchestral theme for this one, but referring to other gaming titles he created the music for (i.e. Dungeon Siege), his feeling for simple, dark and unobtrusive music doesn't seem to be the best. It's all about supporting the atmosphere. One thing out of many others I would appreciate Bethesda to take notice of.