Fallout Soundtracks

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I know it's been discussed before, but I was wondering if someone here has all the ambient tracks from both Fallout games in mp3 format. I'd really like to have them... I found some on napster but the speeds were slow and the people didn't have all of the files.
Thank you in advance.

Btw I'm on cable so it should be reasonably fast to transfer.
Good Lord, have you never heard of ACM2WAV?

[img align=center" src="//redrival.com/aptyp/ftclogo-t.gif]

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No trash-talking, lower-case prone, ignorant, self-centered, 'in-your-face', 'i-am-always-right-so-you-can-suck-my-dick', 'shit-for-brains' idiots allowed.
Of course I have, but copying the files off the cd, extracting the music into wav and then encoding it all would take much longer and require much more work than just downloading it off someone.
Not true. It's actually faster than looking for somebody who has the tracks and willing to spend his time uploading them to you.

[img align=center" src="//redrival.com/aptyp/ftclogo-t.gif]

[font color=#FF0000]
No trash-talking, lower-case prone, ignorant, self-centered, 'in-your-face', 'i-am-always-right-so-you-can-suck-my-dick', 'shit-for-brains' idiots allowed.
>Of course I have, but copying
>the files off the cd,
>extracting the music into wav
>and then encoding it all
>would take much longer and
>require much more work than
>just downloading it off someone.

The soundtrack is usually on your hard drive already inside the Fallout 2 directory. Also, what speed computer are you running? I think it would take a bit of time to try to schedule a download time between two of us, and that time could be spent encoding the files yourself. Get the LAME MP3 encoder and WinLame and run it in the background while you're doing something else.

I encoded my Fallout 2 files in 44100hz 16bit stereo 256bit/sec, so it would probably take you a while to download them, and I upload at only 30kb/second. Seriously, encode them for yourself.


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Okay, to tell you the truth, I have neither of the games installed and I only have one of the cd's at home.

However, I found the soundtrack on napster (and I think it's complete), but a lot of the tracks are encoded in shitty bitrates, or in 128kbit/22khz.
>Okay, to tell you the truth,
>I have neither of the
>games installed and I only
>have one of the cd's
>at home.
>However, I found the soundtrack on
>napster (and I think it's
>complete), but a lot of
>the tracks are encoded in
>shitty bitrates, or in 128kbit/22khz.

Well the source WAV files aren't encoded any better. They're 22khz 16bit stereo. However I upped the hz value on my files to 44100hz only because the MP3 encoding didn't preserve the "quality" of the original when encoded in 22khz.

If you ever see me on DALnet (alias Bionic-Badger, in channels #animemovies and #mangascans), I'll send you the mp3s. I'd give you access to my FTP server, but for some reason it just isn't working.


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>>Okay, to tell you the truth,
>>I have neither of the
>>games installed and I only
>>have one of the cd's
>>at home.
>>However, I found the soundtrack on
>>napster (and I think it's
>>complete), but a lot of
>>the tracks are encoded in
>>shitty bitrates, or in 128kbit/22khz.

>Well the source WAV files aren't
>encoded any better. They're
>22khz 16bit stereo. However
>I upped the hz value
>on my files to 44100hz
>only because the MP3 encoding
>didn't preserve the "quality" of
>the original when encoded in

Cool... although a few tracks were encoded in VBR and they were only around 90-100 kbit.

>If you ever see me on
>DALnet (alias Bionic-Badger, in channels
>#animemovies and #mangascans), I'll send
>you the mp3s.

Thanks :-)
I hang out on DALnet a lot, mostly serving in #metal_videos and idling in #black_metal or #ftp.se or something.

>give you access to my
>FTP server, but for some
>reason it just isn't working.

If you're not already using it, try Serv-U FTP. It's really easy to set up and works well.
>If you're not already using it,
>try Serv-U FTP. It's really
>easy to set up and
>works well.

I already have a WarFTP server up, but my ISP doesn't like port 21 for some reason.. it used to.. so I have to see what ports to use instead, probably port 2121.


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Okay here.

>>If you're not already using it,
>>try Serv-U FTP. It's really
>>easy to set up and
>>works well.
>I already have a WarFTP server
>up, but my ISP doesn't
>like port 21 for some
>reason.. it used to.. so
>I have to see what
>ports to use instead, probably
>port 2121.

Okay I've set up an FTP program to serve the Fallout 2 soundtrack. I don't know how long it will be up or if the computer will be on at the time but here is the info:

Port: 2121

Username: fallout
Password: nma

Max Users: 20
Max connections per user: 2

Download restrictions: None.

Please use a *real* FTP client like CuteFTP or WSFTP. Don't use a browser.

Oh hey.. by the way.. if you got anime (not in Real Media format) upload it if you want. Maybe I'll serve some other stuff someday.


[div align=center]

RE: Okay here.

>>I already have a WarFTP server
>>up, but my ISP doesn't
>>like port 21 for some
>>reason.. it used to.. so
>>I have to see what
>>ports to use instead, probably
>>port 2121.

My ISP has apparently also blocked port 21, so I just run my ftp server on port 666 or whatever.

>Okay I've set up an FTP
>program to serve the Fallout
>2 soundtrack. I don't
>know how long it will
>be up or if the
>computer will be on at
>the time but here is
>the info:
>Port: 2121
>Username: fallout
>Password: nma
>Max Users: 20
>Max connections per user: 2
>Download restrictions: None.
>Please use a *real* FTP client
>like CuteFTP or WSFTP.
>Don't use a browser.
>Oh hey.. by the way.. if
>you got anime (not in
>Real Media format) upload it
>if you want. Maybe
>I'll serve some other stuff

Thanks, Xotor!
RE: Okay here.

I got into the ftp once, but it only showed a blank directory. Are you sure it's set up right?
Try Serv-U as I said. It's pretty good.
RE: Okay here.

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-01 AT 10:15AM (GMT)[p]I saw. You were using WS-FTP right? Try using Cute FTP, it shows up just fine using that. Get a copy at www.cuteftp.com and crack it with something at astalavista.box.sk/.

Heh, I had to recover a movie I downloaded and burned to a CD which then had errors near the start, by resuming a "download" of the file from my own computer. It worked!


[div align=center]

RE: Okay here.

>I saw. You were using
>WS-FTP right?

Nope, gFTP in Linux.

>Try using
>Cute FTP.

CuteFTP is gay.

>Get a copy at www.cuteftp.com
>and crack it with something
>at astalavista.box.sk/.

Oh my god, are you suggesting me to download warez? What kind of person are you?

>Heh, I had to recover a
>movie I downloaded and burned
>to a CD which then
>had errors near the start,
>by resuming a "download" of
>the file from my own
>computer. It worked!

Haha, was it divx?

BulletProof FTP is for real men, I tried it just 5 min ago but the server appeared to be down.
RE: Okay here.

>>I saw. You were using
>>WS-FTP right?
>Nope, gFTP in Linux.

I tested it using the command line FTP on a Linux box and it worked just fine.

>>Try using
>>Cute FTP.
>CuteFTP is gay.

You kidding? It's soo easy to work with.

>>Get a copy at www.cuteftp.com
>>and crack it with something
>>at astalavista.box.sk/.
>Oh my god, are you suggesting
>me to download warez? What
>kind of person are you?

Of course I am! :)

>Haha, was it divx?

Of course. It certainly wasn't Real Media.. I hate Real Media.

>BulletProof FTP is for real men,
>I tried it just 5
>min ago but the server
>appeared to be down.

Yeah it isn't inside the startup folder of all the accounts on the computer. Try it later at night (night being US Mountain Time).


[div align=center]

RE: Okay here.

>I tested it using the command
>line FTP on a Linux
>box and it worked just

How do you change port in the command line FTP client? If you just type ip.address:port it doesn't work.

>>CuteFTP is gay.
>You kidding? It's soo easy
>to work with.

Yeah but it's a bit too simplified for newbies. Reminds me of microsoft programs.

>>>Get a copy at www.cuteftp.com
>>>and crack it with something
>>>at astalavista.box.sk/.
>>Oh my god, are you suggesting
>>me to download warez? What
>>kind of person are you?
>Of course I am! :)

Why, are you advertising a warez site here?! It's against board regulations! Your sorry ass is banned!! You... you nazi!
RE: Okay here.

>How do you change port in
>the command line FTP client?
>If you just type ip.address:port
>it doesn't work.

While inside the program:


>Yeah but it's a bit too
>simplified for newbies. Reminds me
>of microsoft programs.

If you want simplified, try WS-FTP. I like CuteFTP because it can recognize many FTP servers, has a clean interface, it displays what is being sent to the console, and it has an easy to use interface for adding a site, rather than being encumbered by different dialogues like WS.

>Why, are you advertising a warez
>site here?! It's against board
>regulations! Your sorry ass is
>banned!! You... you nazi!

It's a "security" site, e.g. a search engine that lists other sites that *might* have something that may.. um.. change programs so they work. Nothing is actually stored on there.


[div align=center]

RE: Okay here.

I still can't download anything off the ftp, once I was able to list the directory but when I tried transferring I got and error message. Usually I'm just unable to even dir the server.

Try Serv-U.
RE: Okay here.

>I still can't download anything off
>the ftp, once I was
>able to list the directory
>but when I tried transferring
>I got and error message.
>Usually I'm just unable to
>even dir the server.

It may be because of the locations we're at. I'm able to access the FTP easily from other places.

Find me on IRC and I'll send you the files, or you could provide an FTP and I could send it when I have the time. Oh yeah, I was also downloading a lot of stuff today, so it may have been unresponsive because of that.


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RE: Okay here.

Thanks a lot man. I'll see if I find you on irc somtime... btw, where's the FO1 soundtrack?

Testes has spoken. Long live Testes.