Fallout Tactics utility Fallout Tactics Save Manipulation Tool


First time out of the vault
Hello everyone. Recently I had bad time when I made save exactly when Jo died, and existing sofftware like BOSCHE and FOTgee weren't sufficient. BOSCHE couldn't edit any character except main player. FOTgee was highly unstable and buggy, and couldn't edit "Current Attributes" which has hitPoints and poisonPoints.

So, I made my program. It's very flexible and can allow to edit ESH as well as attributes, modifiers, etc.

Check it out on https://github.com/mykola2312/fot-save-edit

Currently it's only CLI (console mode). In future I may will do a GUI (there is already a fork maintained by my friends, where GUI is being developed, but that fork is far away from release)

Project purely written in Rust. Programmatically it delivers a set of APIs to work with decoding and encoding .sav file format (as well as .ent format). There is a function to convert .sav entity to .ent file (so FT Tools could open), but CLI for that isn't ready yet
I strongly recommend you make a backup of save file before editing, because some modifcations (like directly editing ESH by write-value command) Fallout Tactics may not like and crash, even if I've correctly implemented format. For editing attributes/modifiers and "Current Attirubutes" it's totally ok. You could experiment safely as long as you have backup of .sav file