jocko_jonson said:
The haters are totally exagerating. Tactics was just like Fallout 1+2 but once you started a mission you couldnt leave it. Other than that it was 95% the same. RT-Turn based was optional.
The combat was imbalanced because of both being included on the same map and item design, and the stat conversion didn't work quite well, either. Which was evident in X-COM: Apocalypse, Arcanum, and others that have tried to use both time systems with otherwise the same game design. Balancing is a total bitch.
Really, enough has been said, because these forums have quite a history. I could easily list more extensive reasons, but I'll leave it to you to search and read on your own, something I would expect of any sentient being. If you want me to treat you fairly, I can do that, if you want me to treat you as if you're special, I can do that as well.
As for the 95% no way was it even close. From the nearly exclusively real-world weapons and locations now in FOT from the generic names in Fallout, to the style of the humor, nothing was the same.
A vast majority of the above replies sound like sound like they are really trying hard to come up with reasons not to like Tactics. The rest are just jumping on the bandwagon.
Amusing troll, but when the game is compared to JA2 and doesn't even come close, and wasn't even about to come close when it was announced (it was just going to be a series of maps), and I had to step in and wave the bullshit flag so the game wouldn't be a complete wreck. On these very forums, thank you very much.
Again, feel free to kiss my ass for that, kid.
Nargun said:
As for the loss of the "FO spirit". You bicker more about the true canon then the most fanatic fundamentalist semites.
Well, when Dan Levin and others replaced "dark irony" with "shit jokes", I think we'd have something to gripe about, hmm?
Your assignment for tonight, children, is to watch both Terminator 2, Terminator 3, and then Cherry 2000. Pretend that Cherry 2000 is Terminator 4, and you'll have Fallout Tactics. Think of Terminator 3 as Fallout 2, for more pop-culture jokes and inane easter eggs that took away from any real development time to make the title solid and with substance, instead going for fanservice and cheap appeal.
For example, the bugginess of Fo2 compared to Fallout, but what else could you have expected from Feargut "SLAM DUNK!" MacShiny and "DtU is Teh RoXORS!" MCA?
No matter how good Fallout was, its NOT the words of an allmighty god and therefore subject to change.
It was the only one that established and kept to canon, as even Fallout 2 wildly disregarded the design of the first to include material that didn't fit. Really, I do get tired of explaining this basic shit to newbies. You can bother to lurk or join the Blacklist too, I don't care which.
Try to figure out why the change is for the worse before flaming everything that is changed.
Try to figure out why people follow a series and a setting before you make yourself look further stupid.