San Antonio
The city's misfortune continued after the War, while survivors did try to rebuild some semblance to civilization they often suffered from raiders who preyed on the emerging towns amongst the ruins for supplies, weapons, and slaves.
Sometimes even the communities of San Antonio even preyed on each other for easy resources.
It was this general lack of law in San Antonio and the rest of the region that give rise to the New Texas Rangers.
The organization consisted of surviving police officers and military personnel from throughout West Texas who came together to defend the regular wastelanders from the horrors of anarchy and the wasteland, and aid those settlements who sought to rebuild civilization and establish the rule of law.
The Rangers drove out the raiders and dangerous mutant wildlife and kept the criminal elements down while providing mediation between the various small settlements in San Antonio to resolve issues like resources and trade, eventually leading to the establishment of single united settlement; San Antonio was reborn.
While the Rangers maintained their independence and non involvement in local politics like they did with Lone Star, the residents looked up to the Rangers and sought to build their society with the same spirit that made these men and women take up arms to defend the innocent and weak, and San Antonio became one of the most honest and fair communities in the wasteland.
While San Antonio did not have a head start with technology and skilled people such as Lone Star had with its population of Vault Dwellers that were part of the original founder, San Antonio had significant remnants of its own to rediscover and use to improve and advance the settlement; the remains of research and development organization 'Southwest Research Institute', energy industries, the old train yards, and the military facilities that had caused the city to be targeted by Chinese missiles in the first place.
The reputation of the community and the chances to start again San Antonio offered drew in many people including those who were educated and skilled in Pre War knowledge.
Given time San Antonio could have developed into political and economic powerhouse that could rival the Lone Star Confederacy and the System.
Sadly San Antonio did not fare well during the Legion's invasion of Texas.
Realizing the riches and resources the settlement had, and a large population that could be used to support the Legion's campaign, the settlement was one of the first major targets when the Legion expeditionary forces emerged from the great Western radioactive no man's lands.
San Antonio's defenders, backed up by the New Texas Rangers put up a valiant effort to keep the Legion out, but they were doomed to be defeated as the Legion's superior numbers and determination was to much.
One group of soldiers that would eventually become the Trashers realized this likelihood of this outcome and deserted, taking their equipment with them as they fled into the wasteland.
Just as San Antonio was about to fall the remainder of the defenders and the Rangers aided a large number of residents to escape the town, guiding them to Confederacy territory, Austin and south towards the coast where the Legion would not follow them for now.
Other citizens actually approached the Legion, willing to accept Legion rule and laws in return for being spared and paying the Legion tribute and taxes.
Once the Legion had been finished with San Antonio its leaders sent its forces in the direction of the Lone Star Confederacy, and Austin, leaving only a token force behind to occupy the city.
This Legion presence has remained despite the losses the suffered during its campaigns against the Lone Star Confederacy and the System in the North, and against the Super Mutants and Followers of the ATLANTIS in Austin which threw of the Legion assault and forced them to retreat.
Like the residents before them the Legion has not been able to occupy all of San Antonio's ruins, and scavengers from time to time take their chances to search the pre war ruins and old settlement ruins for useful things despite the risk being captured by Legion patrols.
Some rumors go that some of the old residents have gone underground rather than leaving the city and that even the Rangers have returned to take the city back for the original inhabitants.
A more pressing issue right now is the encroachment of a mutant jungle from the south.
Several of the plant species have proven to be hostile towards human life, and not all of them are stationary.
The Alamo
A popular tourist attraction due to its history before the War, the Alamo suffered from the warheads that were launched at San Antonio.
By the time San Antonio survivors came to it the walls were ready to crumble.
Perhaps because of historic significant or cultural importance survivors decided to resettle the old mission, or perhaps because it was simply defensible.
Using scrap material and rubble from other buildings the Alamo was rebuild and expanded into a small settlement where the survivors tried to eke out a living growing crops and salvaging food, medicine and other supplies from the ruins.
There were a number of conflicts between them and the residents of the Alamodome until the New Texas Rangers intervened and forged a lasting peace.
In a repeat of history, the New Texas Rangers and surviving San Antonio defenders made a stand here against the advancing Legion forces.
The Alamodome
While the stadium had suffered damage during the nuclear exchange, enough of the structure was left remain standing for survivors who decided to settle because of the good defenses it provided.
It was one of the more stronger settlements in the years following the war, being able to keep raiders and wildlife at bay other towns had difficulties.
It was this sense of security that made some of the residents starting to target other settlements for goods and supplies, believing that their great walls and guards would deter any retaliation.
Other settlements such as the Alamo were attacked by these warlords and for years they were a cause of much conflict until the New Texas Rangers decided to intervene and pacified them once and for all by breaking through the Alamodome's defenses, taking a significant section of a wall down.
Soon after the residents vied for peace.
The Alamodome continued to play an important role during the formation of the 'new' San Antonio that was build upon the ruins of the old one, being one of the major population centers.
Defense of the dome was of key essence during the Legion invasion as it became the shelter of many of the residents once the Legionnaires pressed into the city limits.
After the Legion conquered San Antonio the dome became a slave camp where captured citizens were rounded up for processing before being send back West.
The slave quarters are located on the old field in the center of the structure while Legion tents and quarters are located on the old stands.
The score board is used by the leadership of the Legion as personal quarters from where the dome can be overseen.
The various rooms and corridors of the stadium are used as quarters, storage rooms, and cells.
Southwest Research Institute
Dallas-Forth Worth Metropolitan Area
A rather unremarkable city before the War which most recent highpoint in history was the sighting of several UFOs.
An investigation into this never revealed any answer and the USAF refused to speak about it.
The city was known as an agriculture and livestock center and coal mining also took place around it.
The largest center of learning in the city was the Tarleton State University
While the city was not a target during the War it did somewhat suffer from secondary effects because of its proximity to Forth Worth-Dallas.
The city suffered a slow decline in population as resources ran out and people left for other pastures.
But several years after the war a number of individuals appeared on the scene who started to teach the people the basics of agriculture, livestock holding, the repair and maintenance of waterways and canals, and the prevention and curing of diseases.
They thought the people how to survive and thrive in the wasteland conditions and the sometimes unpredictable weather patterns and slowly the fate of the city turned around.
As the city started to expand again news about the Lone Star Confederacy in the West came in through travelers and traders and about the economic might and protection this government could offer.
Stephenville's most ambitious inhabitants wanted the city to join the Confederacy to get access to its market and protection, but in order to do this they would have to be able to offer something the Confederacy desired.
As the Confederacy maintains a number of railway networks and trains it always needs a supply of coal and Stephenville's entrepreneurs have been rebuilding the coal mines since then to restart the mining operations.
Unfortunately Stephenville has also attracted the attention of the Angels of the Apocalypse who wish to convert the city and use it as a base in order to enter the borders of the Lone Star Confederacy as well as those of the System.
The Angels at first tried their regular method of annexation and expected little resistance from the city defenders after their spies had observed Stephenville for some time.
Much to their surprise the Angel expedition sent to claim Stephenville ran into something else instead of city defenders.
Details about what the Angels exactly encountered are vague but once the confrontation was over half the Angel Crusaders were dead and the remainder was in retreat.
The City people claim that the same strange objects their ancestors had seen before the war had returned and now protected the city and its people from all who would harm it.
Stephenville's recovering economy and the coal mines have also come to the attention to the leaders of the System and they have also approached the leaders of Stephenville to consider working with the System instead.
They would offer the resources Stephenville needs to rebuild the mines and the necessary infrastructure and buy the goods Stephenville would produce.
Still the people of Stephenville know that if they accept the System's invitation that it would be the first step towards ultimately annexation by the System. The people who be forced to become citizens and live under System rule and law, and most of their freedom would be gone.
The Lone Star Confederacy in the meantime has kept out of this situation, they are only interested in letting Stephenville join once it can produce a steady supply of coal and then offer them protection from the Angels and the System.
But if the people of Stephenville allow the Angels of the System to take over they will send military expedition forces as Lone Star will not tolerate the possible threat to their borders.
(the knowledge that helped rebuild Stephenville and the force that protected the city actually originates from the same source; the Tarleton State University.
Students and teachers who survived the nuclear exchange maintained the university and its facilities, carefully using their stored knowledge to help their fellow city people but without becoming political involved.
In time mysticism set it and the people of the universe became sort of Knowledge givers on which the city depended, aiding the people and getting supplies and items in return.
(for now the group or the person is called the Lightbringer)
The mysterious force that protected the city from the Angels and strange objects people before the war saw are actually the same, small unmanned radio controlled drones that were being worked on by the university in cooperation with the Naval Air station in Fort Worth.
They were intended as interceptors to Chinese bombers.
When the Angel attack became imminent the people of the university brought some of these drones back online and programmed them to protect the city.
But the passage of time has taken its toll on the drones and the technician who maintains them needs parts in order to keep them operational.)
Killeen/Fort Hood/System Capital,_Texas
Fort Hood and the nearby city of Killeen was severally hit by the Chinese during the War.
After the bombing was over and the survivors emerged from their shelters amongst the ruins they discovered that a large number of Chinese prisoners that had been held at Fort Hood had also survived and escaped just before the missiles hit.
Initial fights between the two groups followed but eventually the survivors had to put their hands together and set old animosities aside to build shelters and raise the first walls to protect themselves against other roaming survivors and what else the wasteland could throw against them.
From this humble outpost under the leadership of the System would emerge the System Capital, a fortified city and nation that is one of the best defended human settlements in the Texas Wasteland and perhaps the Mid West
Using the rubble of Killeen and Fort Hood as raw material the original scrap town was replaced by massive buildings and towers that served as residences, production centers, stores, military facilities, and government center, surrounded by thick walls that could only be penetrated by old world artillery.
The System Capital is as much a fortress as it is the home to thousands of people who live and work inside its walls.
The city is nearly self sufficient, having its own water source, purification and distribution system. It also has its own power sources that provide the citizens, manufacturing centers, military and government with electricity.
Surrounding the fortified nation are the collective farms on which the city inhabitants depend for food, here crops are grown and livestock is held, well protected by the guard posts on the walls and perimeter patrols.
But these provided resources and security comes at a cost as the System monitors its streets, alleyways, and corridors twenty-four hours a day, its undercover agents and informants always on the lookout for social or political dissidents that could possibly undermine the System.
Note: artistically the System's Capital would be very spartan and industrial looking in general, gray concrete walls, railing on almost every floor, with catwalks connecting buildings together.
The residence wings would take a lot of inspiration from Chinese apartment buildings, somewhat claustrophobic looking, with washed clothes hanging out of the balconies and so on.
The market section would also really have a Chinese feel, with stores being very closed to each other.
A relative minor location that suffered some of the secondary effects when Fort Hood/Killeen was hit by missiles.
Eventually Belton was annexed by the System and now serves as a stop over between the System Capital and Temple.
Temple is an important transport and transfer station from which trains and caravans operate within System territory.
Note: the world space in Temple would be focused around the pre war junction and train depot the System's engineers restored when they took over Temple.
The train yard would be under the control of the System.
There is not much to tell about McGregor, before the war there was a train station ( and a rocket development and test facility.
This facility was built by a commercial space transport company; SpaceInc that tried to set up its own space program.
With the energy crisis hit the US SpaceInc's shares dropped and Poseidon Energy could easily buy out the company. (SpaceInc is a Fallout version of the real world SpaceX
During the War the settlement suffered from fallout effects because of its proximity to Fort Hood and the Waco Metropolitan area and parts of the town were razed to the ground.
After the war the city managed to recover somewhat by building an economy based on salvaging.
When the Angels took nearby Waco, the System annexed the city in order to establish an outpost there to monitor the Angels' activities.
Eventually the city was annexed by the System in order to serve as an outpost to monitor Waco and to salvage the remaining rocket technology for whatever projects the System's technicians and engineers are working on.
(planned idea: the System is actually trying to use the rocket development and test facility to build missile weapons that they want to use against the Angels in Waco, and if they can figure out how, against the Angels back in Forth Worth-Dallas.)
Note: In my idea for the main game the player would have to visit this settlement in order to recover some rocket technology needed to launch the rocket carrying the NYX satellite.
During the War Austin was one of the primary targets in Texas because of its large population, role as state capitol, and housing the headquarters of the Texas Military Forces.
The city suffered severe structural damage from the missiles and bombs, and because of the lingering radiation clouds it would take years before enough people returned to establish new settlements at the outskirts to avoid the worst of the released toxins.
Like other major metropolises like San Antonio after the War, most of the people gathered together in various small towns and outposts throughout the city, surviving through salvaging, what little agriculture and livestock they could maintain, and trade with another and passing caravans.
The first major event was the foundation and rise of the Followers of the ATLANTIS from the ruins of the University of Texas at Austin.
Vault Dwellers and a number of Wastelanders had been led to the ruins by robot messengers operated by the Pre War AI ATLANTIS that had been developed by the university before the Great War and it had brought these people together with the promise of a new age of science and technology.
After the organization's appearance they quickly secured the old university grounds and sections around it and fortified it, making it impossible for any outsiders to enter without Follower permission.
Follower teams were send to other pre war sites that once manufactured or contained advanced technology and the Followers set up outposts here as well, protecting these places with severe determination.
The Followers also made contact with the human settlements, offering services and goods in return for supplies they needed and interesting artifacts the prospectors had come across.
They also started to invite individuals they considered worthy or exceptional to join their movement but outside some details divulge no information about themselves.
In general the regular population and the Followers have lived in peace with another and the Followers have occasionally aided the other settlements during attacks by raiders or Mutant Slavers if these take place to close to Follower territory.
But in general they keep to themselves.
The second major event in its post war history was the arrival of a group of Super Mutants from the West, survivors from a failed military expedition that had been searching for a cure for Super Mutant sterility.
Because of their greater resistance against radiation these Mutants established their own settlements in the center of Austin which was still very hazardous for regular humans if they remained there to long.
Residents were wary of these new arrivals and not without reason, while a number of the Super Mutants had given up on the Master's dream and simply wanted to live out their lives alongside humans and Ghouls, another group still believed in the superiority and supremacy of Super Mutants, and they sought to take Austin for themselves.
A number of conflicts took place between the human residents and the Super Mutants until the Rangers interfered, providing defense for the human towns and mediating with the Super Mutants.
Still a true peace doesn't exist between the towns as some humans and Super Mutants still hold grudges.
The human residents also accuse the more peaceful Super Mutants about doing nothing about the Mutant Slavers that prey on their towns and caravans.
Current idea: the more peaceful Super Mutants have established their settlement around the former Texas State Capitol building, while the more militant ones have established their settlement on the grounds of Camp Mabry and having recovered weapons caches there.
In recent years the System has also appeared in Austin, their representatives trying to convince settlements to join their new state while their salvage teams search through the ruins.
The System has also been trying to recruit Super Mutants to their side, and several are now part of the System's defense army.