Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

Yeah, the interiors are always not very faithful to the exterior of buildings in Bethesda's Gamebryo games and FNV. This is more likely to happen the larger the building is.

I think it's because most "outside" buildings are all one solid piece, while interiors are made of set pieces.
The Winking Skeever in Solitude is a great example of this. Flat wall to the right on the outside, gargantuan inn on the inside. Lol
I don't understand why you would pick New Vegas as your fetish simulator of choice. It'd probably take far less time and effort to make your lizard cumbrain simulator in unity especially since it's a unity asset anyway.
The "problem" of lizard people are overstated. No main quests (I think) send you to them, all but one of them are contained in one (easily missable) location. Literally just don't open that one manhole cover, and boom they're not a part of your game. As for getting jiggy with the snake queen, it doesn't even appear as an option unless you actively pursue it.

I don't fault anyone for disliking it or thinking the devs are wrong to include it, but they are way bigger as a talking point than they ever are as part of the game. So, in other words, :falloutonline:
Played over 70 hours. Honest advice? Don't do it. It's not worth it. The cool weapons, armours, and the token few decent quests aren't worth the hundreds of hours of railroaded horrible stories. Almost everything in the game was executed poorly. The lore was completely broken. Even within the scope of the mod ignoring the normal Fallout lore little really makes sense. The mod feels like a collection of random mods rather than a cohesive mod itself and it shows. Terrible lack of direction from the art to the writing to the balance of the fucking loot. But hey, you could get trimmed rune armor so that's cool hehe


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lol, there is a bestiality perk*. This is wack as hell. Kinda makes me feel a bit bad about it, because people will be shitting on this mod for years to come.

*it's with an undertone.
Without spoilers, I will say that large parts of the (cut-scene railroaded) main quest, to borrow a term from TV tropes, are just a humiliation conga line. The player is incapacitated on a regular basis to keep the story running smoothly. Applied judiciously, that's all well and good. Someguy quest mods make use of this a few times, and I like the way they do. Dead money does this on two occasions to keep the plot running. But this is just so frequent and so pronounced that it becomes grating.

That's my main gripe, anyway.

Seven years and one oopsie flushes all of the progress made developing this mod lmao.

I waited over five years for this?(oof), I'm going back to the bunker wake me when someone makes a decent Van Buren mod if that time ever comes or when wasteland 4 comes out.
I just beat the NCR path a few days ago. It was a chore to get through even with cheating.

This mod needed a editor, someone to slap the writer's hands away from the keyboard and ask them "What the fuck?" Chapter 1 could of been cut. You don't get any meaningful interaction with the Wolfpack, so why would you care when they died. The dream sequences in the space station and the vault were awful and pointless.

The game railroads you into blundering into traps. A legion spy talks to you outside the shooting gallery and you find a note saying the legion will ambush you in the Vault, when you get the rangefinder, and you don't tell anyone about any of this.
Are you fucking serious?
Even better - the whatevertheirnicknamesare main devs are spineless cowards and booted the guy and hid the mod from nexus before the staff kills it. I don't know what's worst here, the furries' autism leaking into publicity or devs being spineless cowards who are not like SomeGuy2000 and can't take criticism straight while admitting the fuckups or even defend themselves and their fellow mates who worked for them for 7 years. (SEVEN YEARS GONE TO WASTE)
Even better - the whatevertheirnicknamesare main devs are spineless cowards and booted the guy and hid the mod from nexus before the staff kills it. I don't know what's worst here, the furries' autism leaking into publicity or devs being spineless cowards who are not like SomeGuy2000 and can't take criticism straight while admitting the fuckups or even defend themselves and their fellow mates who worked for them for 7 years. (SEVEN YEARS GONE TO WASTE)
oh my fucking god. I'm looking at Nexus right now. Logged in just to be sure.
All the individual mods are still up, but not the big one they all rely on. This entire story is fucked. It finally happened. Fallout has been infiltrated by sjws! :aiee:

How the hell is that related to SJWs? The fuck is wrong with you people all the time.
How the hell is that related to SJWs? The fuck is wrong with you people all the time.
The shoehorning of real-world politics (with the mod's description of the Enclave) into fiction is a common trait of an sjw. Now I haven't brought myself to watch playthroughs of The Frontier yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are more examples of this and if the dev in question pushed it to make up for the massive skeletons in their closet.