Fallout: The Movie

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so it's rumored that they are looking into a Fallout movie, dunno, I think Mel Gibson would make a good main character, he did a fine job in the Mad Max movies...

And here's an idea for fallout 3, wot about different races for characters as well?
Kurt Russel, may also fit...

or maybe Kurt Russel...remember his "escape from LA", he may also fit to the main character beside Mel Gibson. But i don't hear any rumour that there will be Fallout : The MOvie, can you clearified this news?
This is where I got it from...

in the latest news letter from this fine site, they said, and I quote
"Yes, making Fallout into a movie is still being looked into.
It might even have been started, but we'll be the last to hear. ;)"
Yeah well

There was also a PC Gamer that had a little blip about a Fallout movie about 5 years ago. Go figure.
Leonardo DiCapprio as..

The farmer who get's plastered by the Enclave. RATATATATATATATATATA!!!!


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I think it sould be a no-name

the best actor for the role of The Vault Dweller would be a No-Name Actor. I dont think a big shot would do good, Plus it would mean they would have to pay them less so more money for the movie (-:
Thank God for that...

I thought you were actually seriously going to pick out a lead role for Lenard DeCapitated.

Speaking of which, check out the Leonardo assassin game at http://www.newgrounds.com/
Also check out Pico's adventures and UFA.

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[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="red][a href=mailto: ieatpokeman@hotmial.com]Smackrazor[/a]​
[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="silver]Webmaster: [a href=http://www.pipboy2000le.f2s.com/]PIPBoy 2000 LE[/a]
Co-webmaster: [a href=http://diepokemon.virtualave.net/]No Pokemon Allowed[/a][/TD][/TR]
I'd like the Watchowski brothers to direct it.

After they're done with the Matrix 2 and 3 that is. Bullet time effects in the fallout movie mmmmmmhhhh...
As long as they used good actors...

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-00 AT 03:37PM (GMT)[p]Sean connery should be in it, mel gibson should be in it, the whole top gun cast, and definately some hot chicks as well.

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[TABLE border=0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' bgcolor='#000000][TR][TD]
[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="red][a href=mailto: ieatpokeman@hotmail.com]Smackrazor[/a]​
[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="silver]Webmaster: http://www.pipboy2000le.f2s.com/"
Co-webmaster: http://diepokemon.virtualave.net/[/TD][/TR]
Well, so they should do a Fallout 2 movie. Mel Gibson would still be the Vault Dweller, but in the movie he would be still alive.
Re: I think it sould be a no-name

Dule said:
the best actor for the role of The Vault Dweller would be a No-Name Actor. I dont think a big shot would do good, Plus it would mean they would have to pay them less so more money for the movie (-:

Mel Gobson would have been great, but he's getting on a bit now.

Bethesda have hinted at a movie a couple of times, and normally Bethesda don't give things away too easily, so i would bet it's on the cards, god only knows when though. I would predict some time near a game release as they would just boost each other's media coverage.
I would LOVE a fallout movie. I'm just hoping it's done well. I think it could be really cool. And I think an unknown or very young would be good. He should be just coming out of the vault to help them in someway and get mixed up in some post apocolyptic hijinx. But some good dangerous hijinxs.
Adamguy61 said:
One that's not even good or original. Chuck Norris isn't cool.

Have you seen any Chuck Norris movies???? He's the shit!

I guess we have trolls on NMA too ;(

I'm not a fan. And yes, i've seen enough of him.

Dirty Harry > Chuck Norris anyways. It's infallible. Don't even try to argue. I win. Etc.
I was playing Fallout 1 last night, and had the discussion with Harold when he talks about Richard Grey and their expedition to Mariposa. And I thought: holy shit! THAT should be the Fallout movie! That's a great story to tell right there!