RE: Fallout The Movie, AKA....
>I would like to note that
>anyone who would sit through
>an entire screening of The
>Postman or Waterworld has got
>too much time on their
>hands or are easily amused.
Waterworld sucked to some extent, I'll admit that,
But I found postman had a good solid plot, and was great. It made me laugh.....it made me cry(well, not really), it made me angry, it made me happy.
> Hell, I fell asleep
>during Waterworld. Though I
>was dragged to it by
>a friend, I saw Titanic
>and didn't mind a bit.
> True, I was half-drunk
>off my ass, but that's
>beside the point.
Well, Id say one would require being drunk to not mind titanic, so it isnt beside the point
>I would like to note that
>anyone who would sit through
>an entire screening of The
>Postman or Waterworld has got
>too much time on their
>hands or are easily amused.
Waterworld sucked to some extent, I'll admit that,
But I found postman had a good solid plot, and was great. It made me laugh.....it made me cry(well, not really), it made me angry, it made me happy.
> Hell, I fell asleep
>during Waterworld. Though I
>was dragged to it by
>a friend, I saw Titanic
>and didn't mind a bit.
> True, I was half-drunk
>off my ass, but that's
>beside the point.
Well, Id say one would require being drunk to not mind titanic, so it isnt beside the point