Friday, October 9th
This is a general thought or query for fans of fallout.
Which game do you feel more accurately describes the feel and story of fallout?
What genre would realistically fit the movie?
I cannot see fallout being made into a blockbuster like Max Payne is, which is coming out next week for all those fans out there. I think since The Postman, the theme of post apocalypse was tarnished as a feel-good blockbuster theme; Not like the good ol' days of Mad Max. Also, check out The Road coming out next week about a father and son traveling through post apocalyptic USA to find refuge.
But seriously, I can see fallout being made into a good horror movie which would be awesome. What are your views?
Friday, October 10th
I guess since most people see Fallout 1 having more movie-worthy potential. What cross of movies do you see Fallout aligning itself to more?
Day of the Dead - More of the underground bunker feel
Terminator - I haven't put my thumb on it, but there's some similarity I get from this movie and the story of Fallout. I suppose, the flashbacks or forwards of the future being destroyed.
If you saw Fallout a cross between a few movies which ones would they be and in what parts of those movies. I.E. Vault, Town, Wasteland?
This is a general thought or query for fans of fallout.
Which game do you feel more accurately describes the feel and story of fallout?
What genre would realistically fit the movie?
I cannot see fallout being made into a blockbuster like Max Payne is, which is coming out next week for all those fans out there. I think since The Postman, the theme of post apocalypse was tarnished as a feel-good blockbuster theme; Not like the good ol' days of Mad Max. Also, check out The Road coming out next week about a father and son traveling through post apocalyptic USA to find refuge.
But seriously, I can see fallout being made into a good horror movie which would be awesome. What are your views?
Friday, October 10th
I guess since most people see Fallout 1 having more movie-worthy potential. What cross of movies do you see Fallout aligning itself to more?
Day of the Dead - More of the underground bunker feel
Terminator - I haven't put my thumb on it, but there's some similarity I get from this movie and the story of Fallout. I suppose, the flashbacks or forwards of the future being destroyed.
If you saw Fallout a cross between a few movies which ones would they be and in what parts of those movies. I.E. Vault, Town, Wasteland?