FALLOUT the movie


First time out of the vault
Friday, October 9th
This is a general thought or query for fans of fallout.

Which game do you feel more accurately describes the feel and story of fallout?
What genre would realistically fit the movie?

I cannot see fallout being made into a blockbuster like Max Payne is, which is coming out next week for all those fans out there. I think since The Postman, the theme of post apocalypse was tarnished as a feel-good blockbuster theme; Not like the good ol' days of Mad Max. Also, check out The Road coming out next week about a father and son traveling through post apocalyptic USA to find refuge.

But seriously, I can see fallout being made into a good horror movie which would be awesome. What are your views?

Friday, October 10th

I guess since most people see Fallout 1 having more movie-worthy potential. What cross of movies do you see Fallout aligning itself to more?
Day of the Dead - More of the underground bunker feel
Terminator - I haven't put my thumb on it, but there's some similarity I get from this movie and the story of Fallout. I suppose, the flashbacks or forwards of the future being destroyed.

If you saw Fallout a cross between a few movies which ones would they be and in what parts of those movies. I.E. Vault, Town, Wasteland?
I never found FO to be scary, although a film location in The Glow would be creepy.

It's not really, but with the amount of violence and bullets fired in that game there is deffinate possibility for Fallout to be a slasher film. Although, yeah, the Glow would be creepy. :)
Fallout not being scary? It is at least at one point! Just imagine a scene of the Vault Dweller sneaking through the Master's vault, heart beating, mutants walking here and there, it's dark and creepy around, then you enter the corridor, you get all those horrific visions which could be well envisioned in the movie instead of just mentioning them in the message window, and finally, the Master, shoots at the Vault Dweller with the twin Gatling after an epic conversation, mutants swarming up from behind... ain't that an awesome horror?
I had always figured the final confrontation with the Master as a very cerebral experience. I've never played a game where I engage the Master in combat, as I've always found the dialogue options too perfectly written to bypass.

I think that the sequence, done in live action, between the Vault Dweller and The Master could be one epic dialogue exchange, if done properly.
fallout movie should be like a biography on the vault dwellers life, with some action, horrific scenes and little dark humor.
From what I understand the upcoming movie "The Road" would probably be a good feel for the FO movie. Another interesting question is who would you like to direct the movie? Personally, I'd love to see Cronenberg take the helm.
Hmm.. I agree with the most people here about the horror, where do you find horror in the Fallout games? When i play them i feel adventurous and heroic, not scared. I'm thinking a mixture of Apocalypse now and Into the wild, Action/Adventure like movie. But why a movie? Why not TV-Series? 2-3 hours isn't long enough :D
When and if they ever make the Fallout movie, they should really use some of the music from the first game, even if it's only for the trailers.

I'm thinking specifically of the music used for the "Children of the Cathedral" area in Fallout 1 for the trailer. The trailer would have a bit of the pre-war cities just as they are about to be nuked. And also with the accompaniment of that piece of music, with the bells tolling and Gregorian chants. Sends shivers!
This movie should be made in 3 parts of 3 hours.

Cover all grounds, action,horror,dark comedy,very expliced scene's

And at least a couple of kids need to die in this movie.

The story has already been written. But as long as people like Uwe Boll keep their hands off this...well it might be a good idea ^^