Fallout Trivia!!


First time out of the vault
Simple, one person makes a question, the other person answers it, if they are correct, they make a new question, simple, right?

i'll go first.

Who founded BoS?

Didn't you do this on the DAC fourms?

Who owns the library in the Hub?

Mohrg :twisted:
that would be ms. stapleton, and you fargin' icehole, you mean the hub not the den :P

how many vaults were there in all the fallouts?
Vault 13.
Vault 15
Vault 12.
Vault 8.
Vault of LA.
Hmm, 5 I guess. I can't think of any more vaults......

How are you recognized as a slaver?
EDIT: I'm not counting Fallout: Tactics.
The tattoo the slaver's guild places on your forehead.

What was the name of the supercomputer at The Glow?
That's easy. The West-tek research facility and Ancient Order.

What's the last name of the young private who explodes after you wake him from his cryostasis in Sierra Army Depot?
Shit! I forgot about West-Tech. So there are 4 names. Nevermind, my fault.
Sander said:
EDIT: I'm not counting Fallout: Tactics.

Thus, 5 Vaults........:-P

Isn't that Dixon?

How does the sheriff from Redding supposedly recognize your rangerhood?
Duh, you guys are all banned for not knowing anything about Fallout and for making me answer my own question. Private's name was DOBBS. And Dayglow is not the same as The Glow. Dayglow is a province in New California Republic, and Glow is just a location in that province.

OK, let's try an easier question. What type of ammo does Vindicator minigun use?
Another name for The Glow is Hot Spot. It's revealed when you talk to Cabbot's partner.
This is real no brainer.

Who is the most famous mutated human (not techincally a ghoul or mutant) in FO with a tree growing out of this head ?

Hint: The name starts with H.

Ripper: That's no question, that's just a statement......

And ehm, no that 's not how he recoognizes you. He first says it's tattooed in the back of your neck, and then that he just hears stuff.

And Ratty: Gah, Dixon was the eye-guy.....