Fallout TV Series Begins Production

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lore is for loser nerds anyway
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The fact thats its west coast has me cautiously optimistic, but honestly I actually hope the show is really really bad. It'll be better that way. Worst case scenario its middling bad but mildly successful. That would suck.
That NCR flag is pretty interesting.
Seems to confirm we're in the West Coast. Or are we? Could be somewhere close but not quite.

My bet is somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, like Oregon.
Or maybe the Bay Area, Bethesda seems to have some interest in the place.

Being the West Coast is actually better, I feel - the West Coast is more interesting.

Should have had some hot babes in tight suits as in some earlier Star Trek shows. However you can't do that now as it's deemed sexist.

Right?! I mean, no babes in skin-tight vault suits?! C'mooooon!

I think the FO4 Vault Suits are the right balance of practical and skin-tight. Better than the frumpier FO3 suits, more practical looking than the OG ones look like.
The movies are campy and fun. Kinda what I'm expecting and hoping for from this. More worried that it will take itself too seriously with social commentary more than anything.
This is actually true. Besides it's a fucking TV show did Resident Evil ruin the Resident Evil lore because of the Hive? No, it just made the series more popular even though the movies were shit.
Resident Evil lore was already ruined 10+ years ago. It's not the same.
Resident Evil lore was already ruined 10+ years ago. It's not the same.
They ruined the lore by having too many games and turning it into a FPS bro dude shooter. The movies had nothing to do with it imo.
The Resident Evil movies take themselves way too seriously, saying they are campy and fun like in a self-aware thing is not at all how the movies portray themselves.

And that last one was legit headache-inducing given how bad the action scenes are filmed. And the action scenes are the only reason people even watched those movies.
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And one of the stunt people lost an arm and almost her life while filming this. Imagine dying for such garbage movies.
And a crew member actually died, really sad seeing people die for action scenes in terrible movies. The stuntwoman from your link did successfully sued the producers of the movie, so at least she got something out of that terrible situation.
I mean only the first three movies were anywhere near watchable while enjoying it just saying those retarded movies did not really impact the series negatively since Capcom loves to whore out their franchises. Yes, those are nice boobulas.
I don't think any of the films are even near watchable but that's probably because I am a REvil fan-xir. I was a lot younger and not quite as bitter about the world when I watched the first one when it came out and I really hated it even back then. The films are abominations.
The original suits are extruded / machine fabricated upon demand from one of the Vault systems. They are just lycra-like leotards; for use in the vault. They are not meant to be adventurer's gear.

I mean more practical in the sense of "this is something people would wear day to day", while still looking stylish. The OGs had a "This looks so tight it will probably rip if you bend over a bit" look, while the FO3 ones went too much the other way into realism and looked like frumpy pajamas. FO4 was probably the perfect Realism vs Style balance.

It is the curious case that if you create and film/record the comic book costumes to look as they were drawn, it often looks goofy, boring & cheap.

True, something that looks good on old comic books often looks bad on TV.
That said, modern/newer shows and movies have actually been bang-up on that regard, ever since Hollywood abandoned the jacket-wearing super-hero and embraced the coolness of costumes.
I mean more practical in the sense of "this is something people would wear day to day", while still looking stylish. The OGs had a "This looks so tight it will probably rip if you bend over a bit" look
I'm fine with the idea that they figured out how to do skintights that don't rip from every day use in 2077.
How often do yoga pants rip btw?