First time out of the vault

This seems really interesting.
Thanks! I'm actually about to upload a gigantic updateThis seems really interesting.
Seems pretty solid, I was looking arround for a system to use for my upcoming campaign, and i might just use this, thanks and well done!
Have you considered expanding fatigue to include attacks other than unarmed combos? I’m thinking fatigue could be drained from melee weapon “power attacks”, or using your gun as a melee weapon. Perhaps even using suppressive fire with a heavy weapon could drain fatigue, or just attacking with any weapon you don’t meet the strength requirement for.
Good points, and ultimately I agree that fatigue should probably be limited to HtH for balancing purposes. I still think that using a weapon you don’t meet the strength requirement for should drain fatigue, as that way you can’t just dump skill points to completely negate the chance to hit penalty.These are interesting suggestions. I'd considered implementing a "Full Sprint" mechanic that allows you to cover two hexes at 1 AP for the cost of 10 Fatigue, but my issue is that it would remove the major drawback of HtH characters who otherwise do huge damage: they have to run directly into gunfire. Similarly if this were in place, there's not much inventive for ranged fighters not to always do this.
The fatigue cost for the special move is an interest one indeed - perhaps a better trade off than the extra AP cost?
I'd prefer to keep Fatigue as a mechanic for HtH fighters however, as ranged fighters already have to track their (scarce) ammunition.
Good points, and ultimately I agree that fatigue should probably be limited to HtH for balancing purposes. I still think that using a weapon you don’t meet the strength requirement for should drain fatigue, as that way you can’t just dump skill points to completely negate the chance to hit penalty.
The system finally has a campaign module/worldbook :
In the weapon list, I've noticed many weapons have an S and T value. What does the S and T represent?
You've done a great job of taking ideas from Van Buren and making them good, frankly speaking. I'm not entirely sold on the main quest (its functional, but there are too many AIs as is), but pretty much everything else is very usable for a Fallout campaign.
Of course, thank you. Speaking of the New Plague story, I might actually start my players out as inhabitants of Boulder Dome. Most of the necessary ingredients of a compelling main story are there. An isolated community in danger, a quest for macguffin which takes you across the map, plenty of opportunities to get mixed up in local conflicts wherever you go.Single shot and targeted and as for the main quest as you say I think it's good for function but the real meat and potatoes is the side stories. Especially if they TPK and the campaign has to start without the Prisoner gimmick. The New Plague story arc, Hecate Vs Caesar all work independently of VB Prison.
Of course, thank you. Speaking of the New Plague story, I might actually start my players out as inhabitants of Boulder Dome. Most of the necessary ingredients of a compelling main story are there. An isolated community in danger, a quest for macguffin which takes you across the map, plenty of opportunities to get mixed up in local conflicts wherever you go.