Fallout World 2077 Map


Still Mildly Glowing

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Well, seeing as I like geopolitics and Fallout, and that the most interesting scenario to me was the state of things that triggered the war, I decided to put up a world map representing the scenario of 2077, based on the Fallout bible and common sense. Common sense though is not my forte, so I figured you guys could add suggestions and point where it's wrong, where it's right.

There are two theaters pictured in here: the Resource wars between the European Commonwealth and the Middle Eastern oil-exporting countries, which by 2077 were well over, and China-US hostilities. Alaska changed hands but ultimately stayed with the US before the Nukes went all over. If you remember any more theaters of war, or alignments, feel free to add. Also, reminding that the colors mean spheres of direct influence, not necessarily official land borders.

Some of my biggest problems were deciding what of Europe should remain with the EC, which countries would fall over to China instead of remaining neutral, and what would constitute the sphere of influence of the USSR. The universe of Fallout diverged in the early 50s, so in theory that didn't give enough time for the Eastern European countries fall over to the Soviet side. Still, I picture the events in this part of the world wouldn't differ from their real-life counterpart.
Since they invaded Alaska, I've always imagined the Chinese in control the eastern part of Russia, it was always my thought and it made sense to me ; nut HOW they got in control of that chunk of land is another thing, but the mongol ethnicities there might come into account. It's also perfect for a cunty Chinese governor named Sairu Pei-Lin to say : "I can see America from my house"
Santoka said:
Since they invaded Alaska, I've always imagined the Chinese in control the eastern part of Russia, it was always my thought and it made sense to me ; nut HOW they got in control of that chunk of land is another thing, but the mongol ethnicities there might come into account. It's also perfect for a cunty Chinese governor named Sairu Pei-Lin to say : "I can see America from my house"

I don't quite picture China invading the Soviet Union, with whom they would be neutral in the very least, nor I imagine the Soviet Union gladly letting China pass over their lands, as that would cause war with the US and of course, Soviet Union here is weakened and doesn't want that.

I do imagine their ships crossing and disembarking their troops in Alaska and a naval victory of the US making them go away. What counters this theory is that in the Bible it says the power Armored units cut down the chinese supply lines, which would be difficult to do without a navy, after all their supply lines are being kept by the navy in this hypothesis.
Since we are speaking about influence zone, I would put turkey in blue, not in yellow!

Mongolia would be in red, so would Vietnam and Laos and cuba and Ethiopia, probably a lot of other asian states and some african states too.
Albanian , Cambodia and Somalia would be rose.
Yougoslavia and North Korea would remain "communist neutral", playing the one against the other.

Now we know that at some time, the USSR lost a lot of influence and that China took the place of communist superpower. So maybe the asian and african states and north korea would become rose, while Mongolia become their little guerrilla playground. I could also picture the "kmehrs rouges" of Cambodia invading Vietnam to hunt the deviant intellectuals and other "4 eyes" peoples there too. Depends at which date you wanna make your map.

When the USSR was a superpower, the US was playing China against the USSR, maybe that's also reversed, which could explain why the chinese can't use the soviet bases...
I have no trouble seeing China controlling big chunks of USSR : why invade Alaska if the rich Siberian soil is right north ? And why isn't it the USSR invading ? Probably because the USSP is weak and has already been invaded by China, thus China turns to its next closest target.
Santoka said:
I have no trouble seeing China controlling big chunks of USSR : why invade Alaska if the rich Siberian soil is right north ?
Yeah why? Apart from the fact that actually the Soviet Union bred People's Republic of China. The help provided during WWII (military supplies, volunteer war pilots and the overall successful liberation of China from the Japanese troops by the Red Army) and after (establishment of basic branches of industry, their nationalization and the collectivization of agriculture) makes the possibility of an armed invasion minuscule. Not mentioning the assumption that China would rather attack capitalist US than a possible ally sharing the same ideology.

Hausen said:
I don't quite picture China invading the Soviet Union, with whom they would be neutral in the very least, nor I imagine the Soviet Union gladly letting China pass over their lands, as that would cause war with the US and of course, Soviet Union here is weakened and doesn't want that.
+1 Though as the Vault puts it, the Soviet Union had a consular service and a foreign service, and had strong consular relations with the United States. There was a Soviet consulate in Los Angeles, suggesting that Soviet-American relations were good enough in 2077 that American and Soviet citizens were able to visit each other's countries as a consulate would be designed to cater to the needs of the citizens of its mother country visiting or working in abroad.
So the US wouldn't necessarily disembark in the USSR, either due to the fact that they considered China a communist superpower or due to the effective Soviet foreign policy.
Hmmm I always though the Chinese got so powerful that the Soviets might be some kind of Junior partner like uhm Kuba and the Soviets in our timeline.
*shrugs* Just my imagination of course.