"Fallout2: A New Vision" v1.2 (final release)

Sorry. I used it befor. I just "grew up" in a forum without edit button. Just a matter of habit.

I mean BLOWING UP. Haha. I will correct it.

Still need help.
Good. I'll try.

Thanks for the statement, because i was afraid that my new high end computer kinda sucks ass.


Great mod anyway!
How do I know the patch/mod is actually working?

I started a new game but I can't see any changes. I checked Klamath's rat infested caves in trappertown, but I wasn't able to spot any changes.

Can anyone point me at sth that is a sure sign the mod is working?

im having some trouble finding the kid who steals the vegetables, i already saw him once but he wont appear again, waited since 1800 to 0300, and i cant seem to recognize that kid from the others..., any tips?
heh, guess i will, thx

i also found a small bug, when you go to the eastern tunnel of trapper town(behind the empty guns shop) it asks u to use some rope to go down, but after i tied the rope, it wont let me go down, and if i open the menu, only the observe option is avaliable; is there any way around it?
i tried that, the problem is that when i click on the tunnel it will only give me the description, and when i open the menu there is no use command.......can anyone give me a hand?
While I can apriciate the work that went into this mod, and I have to say some of the new content is very creative, I must question the logic of changing the entire reason for the embarking on the quest.

Also, the excuse that its only a mod does not pan out. If you're going to make such a drastic change to the plotline then please, tie up your loose ends. One does not embark on a quest to fine a cure for a disease and the like and then start randomly asking about GECKs.

Also, some of your diologue is very rough. It just breaks it having someone discribed as a "young guy" and then people saying "thanx".

Maybe its just the english translation, but it really needs some cleaning up.
Psyckosama said:
While I can apriciate the work that went into this mod, and I have to say some of the new content is very creative, I must question the logic of changing the entire reason for the embarking on the quest.

Also, the excuse that its only a mod does not pan out. If you're going to make such a drastic change to the plotline then please, tie up your loose ends. One does not embark on a quest to fine a cure for a disease and the like and then start randomly asking about GECKs.

Did you actually play the mod? Or are you just making assumptions? There isn't a drastic change to the plotline at all. It is the same. Just so happens that you are doing another minor quest before the big one. You don't just go off and search for the cure and then ask people randomly about a GECK. The elder tells you about it, to improve the village, AFTER you have found the cure. However, in the game, if you travel to some of the other towns before completing that first quest, then yes, you can ask about the GECK. However, I don't think that was intended. The authors just didn't want to change so many other scripts in the game to make sure that first quest was completed.
im trying to find out all of skeeter s(or anyone elses for that matter) new recepies, specially the one involving the extended and improved capacitator batteries, could anyone help me out or direct me to a place where i can find this? im not really that big on going back and forth to skeeters or reno each time i find something new and dont really enjoy carrying 35+ pounds junk with a low str char
Sorry about the cheek before, it was mainly due to a mixture of frustration and beer. The frustration being caused by a mucked up install.

Though one thing I have to say is that the problem I had with diologue was afew of the npcs in klamath, and is there any way to reenable the Torr quest in the megamod?

Oh, and I'd like to offer to retranslate some of the diologue if you're interested. Some of it is a bit "Internet slang" in nature...

All it really seems to need is a bit of polish on the english version, and would there be any way to reenable some of the speaking head diologue. It's kinda creepy without it ;)
Help wanted

Hi there, I already posted the following question in the Mega Mod thread but I do it again at this location to increase the chance someone reads it.

Well, I honestly confess I have played so many shooters lately that almost all my RPG braincells got unemployed, failed to follow the rules for receiving and keeping financial support from the government (i.e. learn to perform the work of shooter braincells) and eventually starved. Therefor, I cannot find a way to solve the Arroyo harvest quest.

While I found out very quickly by myself that Sam the Farmer might help me, I can't figure out a way to stop this boy from stealing. Well, violence isn't possible since my game crashes if I talk the boy's stepfather into fighting and the first round is done.
So I tried to be friendly and offered him booze when he asked for it.

After I had found out he won the kid in a game of Black Jack, I would have accepted if the player was supposed to play a game against Ned and win the boy back from him. But I never got that option, so what am I to do? Now please help me out here, I really run out of ideas...
