I can't save game too. I run Fallout 2 RP 2.1.2b in Wine (1.3.27) on Linux (Debian Squeeze x86). I managed to solve several problems, such as screen bottom cut off, mouse lag over map part of screen, resolution problems, and now i'm stuck in this.
On previous page there is info that this problem is coused by bad patching master.dat. I tried patching this by running in winecmd batch_work/f2.bat - not worked.
Then I tried running in winecmd:
Then I tried Mirr's method from previous page and still nothing.
Next step was moving batch_work folder with master.dat aboard on comp with Xp, running f2.bat there and then moving back to linux.
In middletime i changed SAVEGAME folder to savegame, and back again.
When i trying to save at second slot, in savegame folder appears SLOT02, but still there is error after saving and I cant load - it looks like there is no game saved.
I'm running out of ideas