FalloutNights Beta

I'm surprised I didn't see this earlier.

Xagrim said:
Great and why did you then post we write that BoS was good? When you not understand the News?

I think it might have been this:

Forming of groups will be possible and encouraged (e.g. Gangs in the style of the BoS)

Modern professions (still very early beta state.. maybe even gamma)

Graphics, sound and music based on Fallout/modern times.

Modern weaponry

Modern clothing

Modern items, setting (items, placeables, tilesets)

If you can't see what's wrong with that, then that's your problem. Maybe you can team up with the white trash ninja kid who wanted a katana and a "black leather samurai outfit" to be modded into Fo2.

On that note, be on the lookout for super <s>magic</s> psionic powahs!
Why do some of you people feel the need to treat others like dirt? They're working very hard for something that they believe in. If it turns out that it is lacking at least they tried.

Neverwinter Nights has a lot of things going for it, but the trouble is that very little people actually do the roleplaying.

I'm not so much looking forward to one specific single player game, but simply how I can learn from their use of script and design and apply it to a potentially new mod.

I'd rather make my own version pertaining to the aftermath of the apocalypse that may or may contain "psionic powers". Why not? The trick is getting people to play it that aren't just interested in killing everything. That's heart breaking to have to work with an audience like that. Argh.

I hope everything works out for these guys, but come on, why don't you support them for trying to actually finish a project instead of heckling them because you don't have anything better to do.
I'll check this out, thiough I dont have NWN I might be able to find it in a barginbin if Im lucky, and if my PC isnt to slow.
Locke Taelos said:
Why do some of you people feel the need to treat others like dirt? They're working very hard for something that they believe in. If it turns out that it is lacking at least they tried.

First, congratulations on gravedigging.

Second, how can you miss the glaring warning signs that these people had doubtful grasp of the Fallout setting to begin with? I put things in boldface to point out the obvious. Do I need to try and resurrect the BLINK tag as well?

So why should anyone be interested in a mod that has already stated that they aren't going to follow the Fallout setting? While the screenshots do look good with the artwork that they have done, and there's some other nifty things, it's still subservient to actual gameplay and setting construction. If it is anything like what they have on their site, then it does reinforce what Saint initially said in reply to this subject. It would be like playing another FOT, but through the problems of NWN's engine the inept monkeys at BioWare are consistent with.

Thanks, but no way in hell.
Well you know, someone had emailed me the thread for some reason or another asking me what I thought about the subject. A coupla months isn't really that old, this subject barely had time to decompose.

I wonder how many Fallout 3 versions there are that fans are trying to make. I wonder how many Fallout games were attempted by fans period, probably a ridiculous amount.

I never was one of those people who was a die-hard about anything when it came to a specific universe. I guess if you're not going to use the Fallout setting, but instead borrow a little here and a little there amidst all of your own original material its not really going to make for a Fallout game.

Still with the D20 team up and running as well as people trying to branch off from the medieval setting of Neverwinter Nights, hopefully hobbyists will be able to take their ideas for a good story that might involve something post apocalyptic and make it into a reality. That's what I think is great. The ability to make your own role-playing game by yourself without a whole lot of complications.

God, I'm lonely.
Locke Taelos said:
I guess if you're not going to use the Fallout setting, but instead borrow a little here and a little there amidst all of your own original material its not really going to make for a Fallout game.

That is exactly my point. If they're going to use the name of Fallout, but make changes to the universe that don't quite befit the Fallout universe, then what is the point of using the name versus making a post-apocalyptic setting of your own?

It is just simple name-whoring at that point, shamelessly so. At least they "tried", but I really don't consider using a name to cheaply increase recognition as "trying". Care to try and excuse GameDev's shitty MMORPG the same way when the idiot does the same thing? Why isn't it a bad thing when people shamelessly take a name to associate their work with and don't bother to adhere to the setting (rather than doing some work on their own), or are people too busy drooling and don't think much about the subject?

It is bad enough when the gaming rags have readers and editors too stupid to do anything other than make shallow associations. GMR's group of inbreds say that Morrowind is "Sorta like GTA3, but with magic, elves, and all that D&D flava." Let's also not forget that those morons also think that FOT was somehow setting new standards. For what? Poor industry QA?

To put it into an example, it's like saying that Star Wars is pretty much like Star Trek, because they are both science-fiction and have glowy laser effects. Heavens forbid that anyone actually cares enough about the setting in something they are spending a lot of time with.

Nope, most mods that don't stick to the setting get treated as they should - like a bad fanfic. Good ones get praise, especially if there's some reason for the reader to want to read about the setting, versus read something written by some knucklehead who has the names down but has absolutely no care about how the characters and setting were made.