Fallouty background music in Bleach


Vault Senior Citizen
I'm currently watching the anime Bleach. It has come to my atention the a background theme is somewhat fallouty. I believe it could be compared with the music in San Fransico.

Did anyone (that is watching the anime) noticed this as well?

Oh yea I watching the Subbed version, so I wouldn't know if the back ground theme is the same in the english dubbed version.
Per said:


But seriously, wtf, I'll have to pay attention to the next few episodes I watch. Bleach recycles most of its background music, but it's never rang any Fallout bells for me. I hate that one with the women singing...well I don't know how to describe it better than that, but it sucks.
rest assured, that isn't the one. When I'm home I'll try to specify it with maybe an youtube link.


In Bleach episode 110 it starts at 15.29 min

Here an youtube link. You need to have some patience though since its start near the end of the part (7,39 min)

Well what do you guys think?
I let it load just to hear that music.

Sounded pretty good and very ambient and deep. It would work as background music for Fallout though I think many of Fallout's music pieces had subtle "sounds" that made them post-apocalyptic which this piece lacks.

You sir are just a rabid fan who will look for any link to what he loves. I admire that.

:) ,
The Vault Dweller
Thanks VD.

A few months back I saw a show (can't remember what) that had the Fallout background music in it. I was pretty suprised to hear it.

When I heard that background music in bleach I thought it had resemblance with a background music from Fallout. although that may not me correct, It's still kind of Fallouty IMHO.