Falltergeist - free software Fallout 2 game engine

This is awesome. I'd play Fallout 2 again if this ever gets completed :)
Hey guys looks like the replies to this thread where going to my spam. I just caught one today and I removed it from spam. Google was confused. Anyway.

Is there a tutorial how to compile Falltergeist for OSX?
Hey guys looks like the replies to this thread where going to my spam. I just caught one today and I removed it from spam. Google was confused. Anyway.

Is there a tutorial how to compile Falltergeist for OSX?
There is a turtorial how to compile falltergeist for Windows and GNU/Linux.
I think developers should distribute compiled files on Github because it is not easy for users to compile files.
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Hey guys looks like the replies to this thread where going to my spam. I just caught one today and I removed it from spam. Google was confused. Anyway.

Is there a tutorial how to compile Falltergeist for OSX?
Yes. It's in README. Same as on linux. Install deps from brew and compile.

dmg target is for packaging.
We mostly hang out on jabber conference.

Current idea is to make vanilla Fallout 2 fully playable at 1.0 and then move to Fallout 1 support (the same way as OpenXCom did, but I hope our job will be easier...).
Right now it's too early to say how "close" to original it might be, but the idea is to remake the engine, so it should be as close as possible. Minus bugs and outright exploits :)
It's probably easier to just convert F1's data to F2 format. Since Fixt is doing that, anyway.

Anyway, do you have an timeline in mind, when Fo2 could be played in Fgeist?
I realise that this question is provocative. It's not meant to held you responsible, of course. Just to get your opinion at the current time. My own best guess at this time is some 2-3 years from now.
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Anyway, do you have an timeline in mind, when Fo2 could be played in Fgeist?
I realise that this question is provocative. It's not meant to held you responsible, of course. Just to get your opinion at the current time. My own best guess at this time is some 2-3 years from now.
Something like that, yes. Mainly because we all have real-life work that we need to do. "Playable" in 1-2 years, but to be fully completable/implemented and compatible with mods will take some more time.