Familiar console is familiar


Vault Consort
Staff member
Here's an anaemic piece from TechRadar.<blockquote>Hines, who was in London to show off the mighty fine looking Fallout 3, told TechRadar that the Xbox 360 was very much Bethesda's lead machine on the title.

"If you have the PC as your lead machine you have the problem of not knowing what configurations people have, how many gigs of RAM or what graphics card they have," explained Hines.

"Obviously we are more familiar with the Xbox because we are familiar and the other thing is that the Xbox is much easier to take to tech shows.

"We can just pop the hard-drive off the Xbox and put it on any machine which is an advantage. Taking the PC or PS3 to these things just isn't convenient."</blockquote>Pete also "confirms" Fallout 4 in the same way that's been done several times before: they "didn't buy the Fallout franchise to just do Fallout 3 and then stop".

Thanks to Mr Lizard. Go team geckos!
A few years ago if you had told me that Fallout 3 would be developed with a console in mind first and foremost, I would have laughed in your face....

Bethesda truly aren't worthy of the brand...
Man I am never going into PR. Having every poor statement you ever made recorded and put on the internet has got to suck.
It's not Hines' fault in any case. Even if the journalist didn't mistype or muddle up his notes, he's supposed to clean up things like that.

But then journalists are also "supposed" to clean up pauses, mouth clicks and strings of "you know" from audio interviews, but no one ever seems to bother.
Anani Masu said:
Man I am never going into PR. Having every poor statement you ever made recorded and put on the internet has got to suck.

Pete Henes said:
"That we are doing some things with Karma and different levels of Karma that you can get along the way and so you cannot get, you know there are titles basically for different levels of Karma, how bad you are, how good you are or even for being neutral....

...you cannot actually play the game all the way through and get all of those in one play through. You have to play the game through... you know if you played through...you have to play through again...kind of be the evil guy and scoot people over and be mean to people...

...you are playing the game trying some different stuff...

It’s a Content thing... And we play the game and like there does not feel like there is enough to do here, we need to put some more...

We are in this part of the world and like we should do something here with this and there needs to be two more quests in this town because I only have three things to do on my quest list...

You know so we want you to always have you know three, four, five, six different quests... Like what is it I want to do now?"

Anani Masu, if that's how your public speaking abilities look like, I wouldn't recommend it either. :wink:
Per said:
It's not Hines' fault in any case. Even if the journalist didn't mistype or muddle up his notes, he's supposed to clean up things like that.

You can't clean that up without intentionally distorting what he said. What he said is "we're familiar because we're familiar". At most a journalist could change it to "we're familiar because we know it well", but that's equally stupid.

So this statement is unworkable. 's not like uhms and ahs.

Anani Masu said:
Man I am never going into PR. Having every poor statement you ever made recorded and put on the internet has got to suck.

It pays well.
Anani Masu said:
Man I am never going into PR. Having every poor statement you ever made recorded and put on the internet has got to suck.
Except, you know, he's getting paid to do PR work. A large part of PR is public speaking and doing interviews. You'd think one of the qualifications for a competent PR-man would be the ability to speak coherently.

He's rather fortunate to be getting paid (too much, probably) for not being good at that part of his job and getting a bit of ridicule for it on the internetz. Can't say I really feel sorry for him.
The PR thing seems to be going pretty good to me. Perfect grammar should probably take a backseat to getting the game a giant media blitz that generates absurd amounts of hype.
I'll be playing FO3 on the Xbox. I've come round to the idea of consoles these past years (though the stereotypical 'console game' I have more of an issue with). Can't afford or be bothered to constantly maintain a PC.
Per said:
It's not Hines' fault in any case.

I think it is. Try fixing sentences of those pink girls. You simply can't, because they're FUBAR'ed. Same goes for Todd's sentences btw.
It's all made of "you know, it's like, and we were like".
He probably meant they're familiars. Whose, i wouldn't know. Unless Xbox consoles are a new breed of vampires... oh wait they are, they suck your IQ out.

See, it all adds up. Don't be silly.

Anani Masu said:
Man I am never going into PR. Having every poor statement you ever made recorded and put on the internet has got to suck.

I got this kind of a salary for dealing with internet warriors, i wouldn't bat an eye.

+ i'd know i wouldn't do such a great job at making myself look like an idiot, so i guess i would be in the clear, woo woo.
Per said:
"We can just pop the hard-drive off the Xbox and put it on any machine which is an advantage. Taking the PC or PS3 to these things just isn't convenient."

I call bullshit here. The PS3 HDD is removable, and transferable to other machines.

I wonder how much money M$ shovelled up Bethesda's arse to get the exclusive DLC as well as these public lies.
I wonder if Fallout 4 will have those Brotherhood of Steel connections they left out for this one, I'm sure Beth is dying to tie all the console titles together. They might as well bring it all together if they aren't going to do it any justice anyway.
Per said:
"If you have the PC as your lead machine you have the problem of not knowing what configurations people have, how many gigs of RAM or what graphics card they have," explained Hines.

I don't get this isn't the game, well all freaking video games made on the PC to begin with? Also, if they are releasing it for the PC they have to test what "configurations people have" any way?...

Per said:
"Obviously we are more familiar with the Xbox because we are familiar and the other thing is that the Xbox is much easier to take to tech shows.

Honestly, I really never saw any problem rise up for blizzard or any other game companys that only show PC games at tech shows.
They're "familiar" cuz Microsoft made them familiarize with it. Or no bonus!


I don't understand his argument about not previewing on PC. I really don't.
I think it was just easier for them to carry an Xbox, cuz its the smallest of the 3 :mrgreen:
Bodybag said:
Fallout 4! Yay!

troll banned p l z.

alsoplustoo, i just wish they'd release SOME kind of notes about what we can get by with for pc specs, ffs. i really don't want to spend any money on this endeavor.