Familiar Places Go Tactical

Tom Working wrote:
[...] I had planned a sort of "FO1/2 in Tactics" (imagine FO ala Rosencrantz and Guildenstern -- you'd be a character always on the peripheral of the original Vault Dweller's and Chosen One's adventure) [...]

It is a good moment to better incorporate in the Fallout canon - Max Stone's adventure at Scrapheep (mean build this village as FoT location and place somewhere, may be north from V13). And then explain:
- why Max failed (didn't understant where V15 is?),
- why Scrapheep failed (proven presence somewhere in Fallout world: 120 days since 12/5/2161).
Wooz said:
Herman said:
The combat system is baaahaadly unbalanced.

Eheh. Bestest FT memory evar: being shot through a wall.

One character, who was kneeling in a doorway, was in middle of the burst and completely unscathed, while...

...everyone around him was critically burst raped through the walls.

That's simply bad effects ranging.
This sounds really cool, maybe make a campaign of thw wars after FO where the BOS had to fight of the muties :)

looks really good

---fav FOT memory---
being hit by a grenade thrown through a wall, then reloading the game and throwing a grenade through a different 'hole' in the wall first :twisted:

How come there's a supermutant in the rad scorpion cave?