Fan Interview Part 2

While I do not mind that Area 51/Groom Lake is not in the game as Obsidian is perfectly fine of telling stories without involving such fan demands, I am worried that Bethesda will handle it as their first DLC developed inhouse for Fallout New Vegas

Area 51 - Go to this mysterious base and get to shoot loads of aliens using their own guns.

I would feel more relieved if it was revealed that Obsidian also handled all the DLCs.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Area 51 - Go to this mysterious base and get to shoot loads of aliens using their own guns.

I would feel more relieved if it was revealed that Obsidian also handled all the DLCs.

I kinda like Mothership Zeta...

I mean you kill aliens with the help of a samurai and a cowboy... Its obviously a joke.

But yeah FO3 DLCs were pretty poor in general, especially The Pitt.

As long as they make some kind of Broken Steel for NV and a GOTY I'm ok with most of this stuff.
This is something we really wanted to do, but ultimately we realized that supporting post-endgame content would jeopardize the quality of the ending, which we wanted to tell the definitive stories for all of our major factions, locations and characters.

Hm. As long as the ending feels like a real ending, I won't mind too much. Hopefully.