Fan Made Fallout Alpha Demo Build 003


First time out of the vault
Exit grids are fixed.<blockquote>FMF Demo Alpha Release Build 003
Please note the changes to the installation and run method as it has changed from previous builds.

Download Location

System Requirements
  • Officially patched Fallout 2 v1.02 UK or US is required. Other localizations may or may not be supported. Please let us know if you have a different local and it does or does not work.
  • Unpatched Fallout 1.00 will NOT work with this or future builds.
  • If another mod is installed, this mod will still work OK alongside it as long as you have the correct Fallout version installed, the master.dat and critter.dat are unmodified, and there is no existing FVP.ini file in your Fallout 2 directory for a different mod.

Installation Instructions
1. Extract the FanMadeFallout zip file to C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2. After extracting the zip file, the Fallout 2\ directory should contain a new folder called "FMFdata", and the files Readme.txt, "FMF.exe", "FVP.ini", and "fallout2.fmf".
2. Open the extracted data directory and ensure the "proto" directory is set to Read-Only. Apply this change to all enclosed files and subdirectories.
3. Run the FMF.exe executable and start a new game.

Change List
  • New installation method, uses Fallout Virtual Patcher to run the mod.
  • Supports Fallout v1.02 ONLY. UK and US versions should both work ok, I don't know what will happen with other versions.
  • The Whaler can now be boarded.

Bug Reporting
Our Mantis Bug Tracker is available to anyone who wants to sign up and log defects they find in the demo. Please keep in mind that if you find and report a defect we may need to ask for more information if we are unable to reproduce it or if we would like you to test the fix.

What NOT to report:
-Complaints or flaming, I.E. "Where are all the NPCs!" or "You guys sux0rs."
-Major feature requests such as new quests, NPCs, or adding mind-controlling aliens to the game. Minor feature requests or improvements are okay, but we make no guarantee that we will implement them.
-Obvious missing elements that just haven't been implemented yet. Unless you have access to our private forums, you probably don't know what those elements are anyways.
Anyone who does not obey these guidelines will be warned and/or banned from use of the tracker.

What to report:
-Generic bugs related to maps, quests, scripts, dialogue, etc. Basically anything in the game that does not behave the way that it should.

How to Report a Bug:
1. Sign up on the tracker at and confirm your account from your email address, then you can log in to the tracker with your username/password.
2. After logging in to the tracker, you will start at the "Main View" page. If you have reported any past defects or have anything assigned to you, it should be displayed on this page.
3. Click the "View Issues" link in the top menu to be transported to the bug list.
4. Do a search for the bug you found to see if it has already been entered. If it is already entered, please do not re-enter the same bug a second time.
5. If there is no bug logged yet for the issue you are reporting, click "Report Issue" in the top menu to create a new bug entry.
6. In the bug report page, fill in the fields with as much information as possible:
  • Category: The category which the bug falls under such as Art, Dialogue, or Maps.
  • Reproducibility: How often does this bug occur? If you can reproduce it 100% of the time, choose "always". Select an appropriate choice for the reproducibility of the bug.
  • Severity: How big of an effect does this have on gameplay?
  • Product Version: The version of the demo you were playing when you found the bug.
  • Summary: A short description of the bug. This should be very brief and include keywords for the bug, such as "Crash when initiating conversation with Stockley."
  • Description: A longer description of the bug. This should be detailed and describe exactly the symptoms of the bug and a summary of what causes it (if known).
  • Additional Information: In this section, please enter the steps to reproduce the bug in a numbered list. Try to keep it to as few steps as absolutely necessary to recreate the bug.
  • Location: For the demo, this should always be COTC.
  • Subcategory: A more specific identification of what specifically the bug affects, such as an Item, a Quest, Scenery, etc.
  • Difficulty: This is for development purposes only and you do not need to complete this.
  • Upload File: If you have a screenshot, log, or other file that would be useful in troubleshooting the bug, upload it and attach it to the bug.
  • View Status: This should always be set to public.
7. Finally, click [Submit Report] at the bottom</blockquote>
Officially patched Fallout 2 v1.02 UK or US is required.

Isn't FMF a total conversion? Why do I need a patched version then?
But it makes no sense if the scripts are created from scratch anyway.
We are using the Fallout Virtual Patcher to do memory patches at launch to load the proper start map, settings, etc. It requires the official 1.02 Fallout 2 patch.
As far as I know, you just need the patched fallout.exe file. ;) Why not include it with the demo? This is better because otherwise it could make problems for people who don't have a US or UK version.
Lexx, I will do that in the next build just for you...

I've also been looking at the Fallout Load Creator which should work for anyone, but I haven't got it working just yet.
rockfx01 said:
Lexx, I will do that in the next build just for you...

The problem is, as example, with the german Fallout 2 version, your game will crash/ not start when you install the mod. Even if you patch the game to version 1.02. This is because of the differend fallout2.exe (censored version, missing gore stuff, etc.).

Why are you not using Sfall? With this you get the same features like with the Loader Creator and also some more (mouse wheel in inventory,...). ;)

I'm going to keep sfall in mind for a future release, but just as a note, according to the documentation Sfall only supports Fallout 1.02 US. It is not a full replacement for the Fallout 2 launcher afaik, unless I'm missing something.
according to the documentation Sfall only supports Fallout 1.02 US.

Yes, thats the reason why you should include the patched Fallout2.exe file. ;) So it doesn't matter if you use the Loader Creator with the patched fallout.exe or if you use Sfall from beginning.

With Sfall you can define the starting map, the starting date, the frm's for the player, pipboy at start yes/no, and so on, and so on. You can do with Sfall what you also can do with the loader.
swampcat said:
it says couldn't find fonts/text files

it's a error pop up
Edit fallout2.fmf with notepad. You should find these lines:
critter_dat=C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\critter.dat
critter_patches=C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\FMFdata
master_dat=C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\master.dat
master_patches=C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\FMFdata
Change "critter_dat=C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\critter.dat" and "master_dat=C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\master.dat" to the paths where you have installed Fallout 2 or to your cd path if you haven't chosen full installation.
Thanks Jim!

Perhaps I should make Full Install a requirement as well...

swampcat, try Jim's suggestion above and/or try doing a full install of Fallout 2. If you are still having problems, please enter a bug on our bug tracker so we can keep track of this issue until it is resolved.
Ok, I think I might haven't been precise enough.

Change "critter_dat=C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\critter.dat" and "master_dat=C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\master.dat" to the paths where you have installed Fallout 2 if you've chosen full installation to different folder than the default one or to your cd path if you haven't.
Jim Cojones said:
Ok, I think I might haven't been precise enough.

Change "critter_dat=C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\critter.dat" and "master_dat=C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\master.dat" to the paths where you have installed Fallout 2 if you've chosen full installation to different folder than the default one or to your cd path if you haven't.

I am having the same problem, and my version of Fallout 2 is from I am getting the same prompt as swampcat even after using your solution.
