Fan Made Fallout: 'Demo 2007 or Bust'


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
The long developed Fallout 2 mod, Fan Made Fallout, has posted a short new update after several months of quiet. Of major interest is the promise that the project will produce a demo by the end of this year, or will presumably disband.<blockquote>Long time, no progress update. Probably because there hasn't been much progress to update. As always we are slowly grinding our way towards somewhere. It's just not easy to tell when we'll get there.

However, we do have one promise we can make. There will be an FMF demo out before the end of 2007. If there's not, it means there won't be an FMF.

Since the last update, we've had a bit of fresh blood but a number of old-time members have called it quits for various reasons. We wish all our old members the best and hope our new one's can make up for their loss. Only time will tell.</blockquote>Exciting news. I am confident they wouldn't be adverse to any dedicated people who would like to join the project and help it along.

Link: Fan Made Fallout.
They'll finish.

No really if my prediction about Mutants Rebellion came true I see no reason why this won't work either...and yes I said they'll finish so that way it will come true.

The Vault Dweller
Is F3 really gonna suck that bad?
Meh, fairly irrelevant.... The chance of a future Fallout Game bringing the same joy and wonder is quite unlikely, so all we have is these....

More decent Fallout 1/2 MODs equals more happy!

They sound dedicated enough to get it done, like the AfterFall guys...
Hope NMA can get them some more help though, so we can get the full version and demo sooner!

Fallout MODs live forever!

damnit i hate it when quotes dont work for me :(
Goweigus said:
Is F3 really gonna suck that bad?

It's certainly possible that it could, given Bethesda's track record and the past history of what's happened to the Fallout franchise. We won't know for sure until Bethesda actually releases something on the game though. E3 in July(?) is when we'll first catch a glimpse I think. Don't quote me on that though, I read it either here or at DAC.
I hear there was someone named Kotario who quit FMF and everyone else was like, "Oh noes Kotario killed FMF".
I miss that guy. See if he were still around he'd appear outta nowhere and post some unexpectedly bizarre, but relevant anime picture for us to see and be totally shocked by.

The Vault Dweller