Fan Made Fallout May Update

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The monthly update.<blockquote>Our scripters have begun to complile the scripts for our demo area and are now working on writing the needed scripts and attaching them one by one to the appropriate in game content. It's a slow process, as there's still a lot to do, but our scripting team is doing a great gob. They work very well together and they are making good, steady process.

Our art department has completed all the demo art we need, including items, NPCs and maps. We're working on making some splash screens and a new menu graphic as well as the intro to the game. They've also made some excellent progress in that area.

Writing is pretty much done too, though we'll probably need to write up some dialog to patch some holes we've made, or to tie off some of the loose ends that attach to the rest of the full game. It sounds like we're far along, but it's a painstaking process that takes time to complete. We're doing our best to maintain a steady pace and get it done. I'm personally very proud of the progress we've made over the past month. </blockquote>Link: Fan Made Fallout website.

Thanks Jacen.
I was kind of hoping they would all give up and donate all their new content to MR ;)

Good work guys, good to see you all moving along again :)
Steady progress.

Such words fill a person with joyful optimism, respect, and adoration all at the same time.

Good work guys, keep on going. :mrgreen: :clap:
I have seen many of their splash screens and I must say they are very beautiful and very well done. I hope the project continues to come along and we'll have something play-worthy soon. Thanks FMF.
Wild_qwerty said:
I was kind of hoping they would all give up and donate all their new content to the community ;)

Fix'd for ya. :P

Nice to see so much mods coming back again. And it only took us approx 10 years. :>