Fan Made Fallout Officially DBA


Posted on the frontpage of The Radiated Society is a rather unpleasant note: FMF is unoficially Dead Before Arrival:<blockquote>I can say that unofficially this morning April 14th 2009 the Fan Made Fallout Project has been closed.

There has been no official announcement at this point and until it has been officially announced on the F.M.F. site it may not happen, however at this point I don't see this decision being overturned.

If you were wondering...I'm a mapper on F.M.F. and that's how I know, and we were not told to keep this information quite so that is why I say unofficial at this point however this is the second time this year already that we have almost closed the doors and I think they will stay closed this time.

There is no word yet on if or when the forums will be opened to the public, however I do hope so.

Thanks to everyone on and off the F.M.F. Team that has supported the project over the last seven years! I'm sorry that we couldn't see the dream come true but after seven years we got really close for a closed, fan made, not for profit project.

AltraWave7</blockquote>4too brought this sad news to us.

Link: The Radiated Society

Update: Project founder Dark Underlord posted on the FMF homepage to confirm that the mod is dead and elaborate on the reasons why.
If they do die, one wonders if all they did will be released so that everyone can see how much they accomplished in those seven years and/or use it for other stuff.

Next lizard curse target: FIFE? Or are they dead already.
Re: Fan Made Fallout Unofficialy DBA

Mikael Grizzly said:
</blockquote>4too brought this sad news to us.
That's it?
Knowing 4too he probably wrote a really witty eulogy filled with lots of alliterative literary allusions, and some heady pathos for us to spiritually masticate as only he can.

Just saying he brought us the news. That's like saying John Coltraine played a few notes. Or Norman Mailer filled a few pages. Or Mike Tyson threw a couple punches.
Re: Fan Made Fallout Unofficialy DBA

Cimmerian Nights said:
Just saying he brought us the news. That's like saying John Coltraine played a few notes. Or Norman Mailer filled a few pages. Or Mike Tyson threw a couple punches.


Well said, sir.

vvvv YOU GOT NO PROOF vvvv
Because you made a one-smiley post, FIFE will die and Zero-Projekt and PARPG will die too from lack of support.


Cimmerian Nights said:
Mikael Grizzly said:
</blockquote>4too brought this sad news to us.
That's it?

We turned his feathers black, does that count?
Looks like the 21st century really HAS been bad for the Fallout series...

First BIS died....then Bethesda raped the series....then Interplay turned it into an MMO...and now THIS!?!?!?!?

Damn....I guess nobody was expecting the Fallout series and almost everything associated with it to crash like this...

What's next? Will more mods die? Will the NMA itself die?

This decade was bad enough for Fallout....I shudder to think what the next decade will bring...
I really hope, that at least some created material will be released.

(If something exists? :>)
I think Mutants Rising is going to make it. It is a shame about FMF though. The main trouble is how long it takes to finish these things. I was active for 4 years on MR. If you are missing even one key person, the project can go right down the drain. Too bad we don't have a fan with a lot of disposable income who would pay people to do Fallout mods. Be interesting to see how many people would join a project then. Doing it for love helps, but it rarely is enough. Takes a special person. Chris Parks is one of those. So is Dude101 and Wild_qwerty, Continuum and a few other people I know who managed to stick with MR.

Anyway, I was also a short time member on FMF and it was going to be a kick-ass game. Real shame to see it die. Sad day.
To people on the FMF team, don't get down on yourselves. You took on a monumental task, and it was exciting to see what progress you made. Good luck in all your future endeavors!
Thanks for all the kind words everyone, we gave it one last push but we couldn't move the mountain this time.

I'll risk being burned by the F.M.F. and M.R. crew and mention that there is talk of giving our 'City on the Coast' content (the Alpha Demo released in Feb) to Mutant Rising to incorporate into their M.O.D.

I'm hoping that you will all get to see what we were able to come up with and that Darkunderlord gives the ok to make the F.M.F. forum public.

Until the official announcement is made over at F.M.F. I can only voice my opinion that anything we don't offer up to M.R. be made public.

Thanks again to everyone for the support over the years.

Before we wax all emotional and get way off topic, I wonder if anyone from F.M.F. can write a post mortem for their project. Seven years is a LOT (not the Polish flying type) of time! To think of it, TeamX has been around forever, which in fact is "only" nine years. Surely there is something to be learned from F.M.F's experience. With the advent of the Third, Fallout modding is on the rise again, and F.M.F's life lessons may be useful for the new generation of modders. Let us not go gently to the endless winter night, okay?
DU's posted a fitting eulogy and made the forums 'n' wiki available to joe public. Get yourself over t' site and fill your boots.
Frankly, I can't understand why there are so many talented modders on seperate projects instead of concentrating efforts within one TC. If we had all big-time modders working on one project (FMF people, Nuclear Winter, Forgotten Knight, FO 1.5 Ressurection devs, Lexx and others), I think we would be playing a TC already.
Next lizard curse target: FIFE? Or are they dead already.

Stay away from MR lizard thing!

The plan at the moment is to incorporate City on the coast into MR as it is a stand alone area.

dont worry once MR is finished Chris Parks will finish FMF next

You finish my degree and I'll do FMF. :D
Slaughter Manslaught said:
Frankly, I can't understand why there are so many talented modders on seperate projects instead of concentrating efforts within one TC. If we had all big-time modders working on one project (FMF people, Nuclear Winter, Forgotten Knight, FO 1.5 Ressurection devs, Lexx and others), I think we would be playing a TC already.

In two at the most. I've been saying that for 6 years now.

Also I blame DarkUnderlord