Fanout Update


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Fanout's most recent weekly update includes a working version of their world map. Good work by Corpse.<blockquote>Work continues, albet at a slow pace.

Not much in the way of specifics are avalible, but we can show a pic from a new world map that Corpse is working on.


While not final, it is a good representation of what we intend to use.</blockquote>Link: Fanout Weekly Update: November 14, 2004.
Thanks PsychoSniper.

My favorite part of fantays novels was looking at the maps so I could imagine what each place looked like. When I started playing games the nostalgia was still there and I loved wandering the world to explore it all and find everything I could. The map looks great. Im excited!

Thanks PsychoSniper and Kotario.

The Vault Dweller
Heck, at least this mod is making some progress.

Unlike others.

*gleers at Kotario*
What? We have a world map as well, also made by Corpse, he's a prolific guy. Our philosophy is a more reserved one, no need raising all this ruckus with monthly or weekly updates when our mod might not be released.

The map looks great, but I couldn't quite make out the name of the location... :) Could you help me out a bit?
Cool, a world map! And with a green circle in the middle to boot! Can anybody make out the letters below?
A little research on the links provided at the top of the thread would yeild a likley answer..............

Since noone wants to look......


It says Estes
I think it says .....

PsychoSniper said:
Meh, the update is more to get us moving than for attention.
Both good outcomes. Looking forward to the next kick in the ass (PR release)!

Though looking at that map makes me fear the problem I have with Fallout 2, too fast a CPU so very few random encounters...I can use Turbo to deprive the game of most of my fast processor's resources, but it's not a perfect solution. An interesting side effect of that is that it seems I don't need to turn off Sound Acceleration through dxdiag so I can watch the death scenes...odd.

Basically, good luck Fanout people. Every bit of a progress is a step in the right direction.
I was thinking it looks like "Tiles" but that doens make much sense, but we agree on the middle couple of letters "**le*" :)
Did anybody else notice that weird voice? I think I just heard the word "testes"...