Favorite minigun in Fallout 2

SkynetV3 said:
The only argument I have to add here is that I wish that they remove the Bozar. It is a munchkin weapon and a crude mockery of a Barret .50 rifle.

http://world.guns.ru check out the large caliber sniper rifles section.

Interesting site, that Croatian "rifle" is insane!

I wouldn't mind a large caliber sniper rifle in a future title myself, but considering that might mean that enemies could use them as well makes me think twice about it.
Azael said:
Interesting site, that Croatian "rifle" is insane!
RT-20? Yep, it's beautiful. There's a whole (poorly guarded) storage full of them about 200 miles from where I live, so you can easily obtain one if you like. In that storage there are, among other things, 16 abandoned state-of-the-art howitzers that can be fired if you obtain a targetting scope and a couple of shells. All those modern Croatian weapons were manufactured during the war in the 90-ies, and now they are abandoned and left to decay. Apparently, a bunch of corrupted generals lobbied in the Ministry of Defense, and the Ministry purchased weapons from foreign dealers, even though Ministry initially ordered RH Alan (our domestic company) to manufacture and develop RT-20, APS95 and a bunch of other weapons, urgently, for the purpose of the ongoing war. So, instead of paying a relatively small amount of money to a domestic company and purchasing high-tech domestic weapons, Ministry of Defense purchased the following:

1) Ukrainian long range missiles (S 300) that are missing vital parts and aren't working

2) 30 years old Russian simulators, no more complex than SNES

3) customized Ukrainan AK-47s that never fired a bullet

4) Mi8 helicopters (origins unknown) that can't fly.

Billions of dollars were wasted on faulty weapons, biggest Croatian weapon manufacturer bankrupted, Croatian Army will have to fight with broken Ukrainian rifles in case of a war, but who cares - generals received their cut and now they are quietly enjoying their ill-gotten gain.