Favorite Quest names


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
I've been thinking about posting a new topic for awhile but have't really thought of anything that hasn't really been talked about in awhile. So I came up with the idea of sharing favorite names for quests (This came about when I was trying to think about names for my own quests).

But yeah come up with your favorite names for quests I guess I can be for any reason really weather it just describes the quest well or you just like the name well just because.

My favorite would be anit that a kick in the head because its cleverly ties into the main story but also quotes the song you can hear on the radio so either way its a pretty cool name for a quests as it relates so well.
Most of NV's quest's names references old songs, my favourite would "For Auld Lang Syne" and from non musical themed names, "The House always wins" becouse it' a clever pun.