Sure, if you pick out the greatest episode of Old Doctor Who and them compare them to the worst parts of New Doctor Who, it's hardly going to look good is it?UniversalWolf said:Actually it's the new Doctor Who that's obscured by a veil of anti-nostalgia. People want so much for it to be good that they ignore it's overwhelming lousiness.
Psychic Paper. River Song. Winston Churchill fighting the daleks. A TARDIS control room dressed out in puke yellow. Deus-ex-machina: how many can we fit in one episode? Sonic screwdriver as technological magic wand. Lame in-jokes that aren't funny. Horrible music. The Doctor as celebrity superhero. Canon mangled beyond recognition. This is Michael Bay doing Doctor Who on a low budget.
Really? You fail to notice these things? I don't think I'm the one peering through a veil. All I asked was that they not screw it up. I was disappointed. So I went back and watched Ark in Space, Revenge of the Cybermen, Terror of the Zygons, and Pyramids of Mars. They have their faults, but not one of them is an incoherent mess.
Try watching The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways, The Girl in the Fireplace, The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit, Human Nature/The Family of Blood, Blink, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead or Vincent and the Doctor. Yes, there are some shit episodes, but there's a lot of really good stuff too. Then compare those to Survival, The Twin Dilemma, Warriors of the Deep, The Horns of Nimon, Timelash, Frontios, Kinda and many, many other shit episodes.
Also, most of what you're complaining about was in the last season only (except psychic paper, which I don't see a problem with anyway), not the entire New Doctor Who stuff. And yes, River Song is a terrible character. But it's not like Old Doctor Who was all consistent about canon either or had perfect companion characters. Tegan, anyone? I watched all of those episodes (from the third Doctor on) the past year, and I hadn't seen any of them before. I didn't have a vested interest in wanting New Doctor Who to be good when I started watching it, because I had no connection to Old Doctor Who at the time.
Yep. I thought that was one of House's strongest seasons, really. It was getting bland and predictable as every single episode was the same. They tried to change it up, and that really worked for me.Per said:Well, one man's "jumping the shark" is another's "let's bump the basic premise to keep things fresh".