Favourite light-sabre colour?

There was a post awhile ago about little kids seeing naked people and how it was detrimental to their outcome as an adult. Janet Jackson barely showed one boob, but this ho did a dance and supplied drugs to some little kids. Yes, they did use their own discretion, but they were freakin' 10 and 12 years old. This world is too uptight for shit like that. As for me, I suppose the meth was going a bit far, but Wooz said it best.
This had nothing to do with lightsaber colors...
I say march them up nude against a wall, and shoot them all.
why do you want to see a bunch of naked kids get shot? you could at least set them on fire then take black and white pictures of them mebbe lewl?
Gruug said:
This had nothing to do with lightsaber colors...

Yeah, could someone in power , like, rename the thread, so that innocent Star Wars fans don't stumble upon this shhoosh? :?
I believe the thread's title comes from an old Duck and Cover thread. A while ago, Dark Xen (though he went by a different handle then, can't remember it, so I'll just use his current handle) was a newbie there, and started all sorts of inane threads. One of them was about, you guessed it, "Your favorite lightsaber color?"

Your afraid of "innocent Star Wars fans" seeing this thread?
What I'd recommend for the mother who stripped for her son and his friends is medication, and plenty of counselling, and if those don't work a jacket either straight or full metal.
They obviously just need to go on the Jerry Springer Show. This is a clearcut case of the one of the kids wanting to marry the woman, while another one of the kids wants that kid, while the third kid wants to marry his midget sister. Isn't it obvious?
Kotario said:
You afraid of "innocent Star Wars fans" seeing this thread?

As a matter of fact, I am, since this could damage their all-to-fragile, jedi-immersed yoda-encrusted and already warped minds. :P (No offence , SW fans... Chewie's my fav ! :) )

Since every post here's an OT anyway... Anyone know if how to run Starcraft on Windows XP PRO? Will using the Win98 CD patch (the one that swaps some IOSUBSYS files ) wreck my system?
Silencer said:
Since every post here's an OT anyway... Anyone know if how to run Starcraft on Windows XP PRO?
Yeah, I just stick the CD in the drive, and whammo. Starcraft.

(need more info about why it's not working.)
Thx for the info. ;) There's this glitch with Starcraft that causes the program not to recognize the CD when running Starcraft on a "clean insstall" of Windows. For Win98 there was a patch that replaced some system files and thus enabled the CD recognition. I don't , however have any information whether such a patch had been made for WinXPPro ant that's what I'm striving to ascertain. And also, whether has anyone tried the Win98 patch (I think Megatron answered that one ) ;)