Favourite pop-cultural reference?


Still Mildly Glowing
The title says it all:

what is your favourite pop-cultural reference in Fallout and Fallout 2?

Mine is probably the Blues Brothers reference:

"Arroyo is 60 miles away, we have half of energy cell, a stimpak and I'm wearing a 60-years old vault suit. Let's hit it"

Or something like that :D

So, yours?
Always loved this Doctor Who reference in Fallout.

I'm a fan of the show so I thought it was a nice little Easter Egg. :)
I hate pop-culture references like those easter eggs, especially when they're only that : empty and devoid of sense.
Sure they're funny, but Mister Bean is also funny, and I don't want him around every corner of my favorite post-apoc rpg like FO2 did... It'd also be just as empty and devoid of sense.
The best pop-culture references are not the ones we remember, they're the hardest to pinpoint, because they are good, rightly belong where they are and fulfill interplay and intertextuality.
Otherwise it's just a funny yet douchey quote, like FO3 quoted its predecessors.
Reconite said:
Lighten up a bit, the developers were just having a bit of fun with it.
Don't worry, but I cannot help and smile as your sentence reminds me too much of what a Bethesda fanboy would say to any criticism aimed at FO3. :V
I can't remember many off the top of my head but I loved every single one. One that always made me laugh when I was younger was the reference to Mike Tyson in New Reno. And obviously the many references to Mad Max are great.
This isn't really a pop-cultural ref. but it's a ref. to Fallout 1.

In the Cafe of Broken Dreams, Set is in the corner saying "DIRTNAP!" over and over and over again. I found it pretty funny for some reason :D
My personal favourite was the bit when you came across a decimated whale, bloody I know but it makes me laugh every time and the daisy's just add to the humour.
Santoka said:
Reconite said:
Lighten up a bit, the developers were just having a bit of fun with it.
Don't worry, but I cannot help and smile as your sentence reminds me too much of what a Bethesda fanboy would say to any criticism aimed at FO3. :V
You know it's retarded when you start comparing Black Isle to Bethesda like that. :roll:
The Hitchhiker's reference is nice, I guess. I don't really care that much for the special encounters. I could do without them.
The alternate credits had me in stitches, however thats not really a pop culture reference. I liked the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy reference too.
Reconite said:
Santoka said:
Reconite said:
Lighten up a bit, the developers were just having a bit of fun with it.
Don't worry, but I cannot help and smile as your sentence reminds me too much of what a Bethesda fanboy would say to any criticism aimed at FO3. :V
You know it's retarded when you start comparing Black Isle to Bethesda like that. :roll:
Enlighten me please, since I'm only comparing your (Interpay fanboy) comment to a Bethesda fanboy comment, judging that they are both retarded. I'm neither talking about Interplay nor Bethesda themselves.
But on topic, my favorite reference, and because it's not only a reference, it's also perfectly useless, but it affects the game and it leads to "useless" dialog and a "useless" quest, and the devs even went as far as creating a talking head with a good voice actor : The Drill Sergent !
weaponx said:
Oh I totally forgot, how about the Blade Runner gun.
Oh exactly, a perfect example of good pop culture reference : not out of place, credible, functional and not "Just for Lulz".
I like the blues brothers reference honestly.

On a side note. In Fallout 2 gamblers at Becky's table sometimes say, no whammie no whammie stop. Or something along those lines, but I can't find it in the easter egg section for fallout 2, why not?
You have to see Blade Runner. It's very cool.

And I just saw the Dirty Harry reference when I looked at a magnum. I forgot they had the whole speech.

I was in Reno in Fallout 2 and the one prostitute said she would not wear Mickey mouse ears. I thought that was pretty funny.