Fbos far from original


Carbon Dated and Proud
Well duh! Gaming Age have also gotten their hands on a copy of Fbos (ps2) and their verdict is a C+ (which is about 50-60%) on the overall score, the reviewer wasn't baffled by the game due to it not being original, dull and short, here's the end quote:<blockquote>Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel may appeal to fans of this genre that just can’t get enough of that hack and slash stuff. For you I say this game is worth of the purchase, even with BG2 coming out at the same time. For the rest of us, the game is fun and entertaining, but after a short while you’ll get that, “been there done that” feeling. If you were planning already on buying BG2, then rent this one. If you want a BG title with an edgier feel, then buy this title. The choice obviously in the end is yours. Fallout by all means is far from bad; it’s just far from original.</blockquote>With all this going against it I find it mind boggling that they are giving it a C+.
Link: Fbos Review@Gaming Age
Odin, you have a broken link to fix. ;) Edit: NM, I see you got it already.

Odin said:
With all this going against it I find it mind boggling that they are giving it a C+.

No shit! Talk about grade inflation...

The lowest common denominator rules
Forget honesty
Forget creativity
The dumbest buy the mostest
That's the name of the game

(MTV get off the air-DK)
For all of the apparent positive reviews I've seen around here lately, I'm happy to report that GameRankings.com has an average rating of 64.4% for the Xbox and PS2 versions.
The grades are A,B,C,D,E and F. where the grades represent in the order of appearance (respectively): 100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20% and 0%.

C-, C, C+ would be within range (55%,65%) where C+ is closer to 65%.
OK, this is the real grading system. It is sometimes varied on by perhaps a point, but no more. I don't understand how people can butcher it, but...

A+ 98–100
A 94 - 97
A- 90 - 93
B+ 87 - 89
B 84 - 86
B- 80 - 83
C+ 77 - 79
C 74 - 76
C- 70 - 73
D+ 67 - 69
D 64 - 66
D- 60 - 63
F 0 - 59
Why the hell are you guys debating this ? In all fairness the reviewer should have read his own words and understood that it MUCH lower than a C+...

Oh and stupid rating system, a system trying to be something speciaaahl...stick with what works!
Here's how it is at my university...

  • A+ 90-100
    A 85-89
    A- 80-84
    B+ 77-79
    B 73-76
    B- 70-72
    C+ 67-69
    C 63-66
    C- 60-62
    D+ 57-59
    D 53-56
    D- 50-52
    F 0-49 -- Failure