Second Effort....
It's my fault... ain't it.... I didn't click my mouse every 15 minutes, so Big Daddy ATT could not tell if my eyes were screen side and my busy little mouse wasn't shootin' at the pop ups.....and I pay to be spammed don't I......
Gamespy is a bad "hood" for us on the copper line, big ol' ugly Macroflash animation-ads hidin' in the margins, stay clear of screen shots if you don't have the time to load 'n' reload broadband spam.
Same dozen screenshots ain't it......same "press pack"...same...
Speakin' of spam, I think more effort , and perhaps talent, was
utilized in this preview than in most regurgitations of "E-3 Press Packs", AND, more thought synapses engaged than the HACK that bludgeoned out the blurb for Interplays offical intent to publish FOBOS.
(Mouse click time......let ATT know they're spamming me...)
Such a thoughtful treatment is a two edged propostion for I'play.
The reviewers for game mags, on paper or online, tend to be "over experienced" . Fatiqued by the endless cute cartoon critter ninjas, the never ending combat of Final Fantasy Wannabeez, (as bad as the ol' Gold Box RPG's that snuffed D+D for many), and jacked up by the latest advance in place, the couch areobics of shooters, these writers have their own world view.
And, these writers, are older than the average console jockey, implies generational differences.
My 11 year old expert does not always agree with the reviewers, and says ""they only like M rated games"". He liked that Aussie Tigercat.... The kid is momentarily free from the dynamics of raging harmones (no zits yet) ... he appears to be able to pick apart these reviews. If the reviewers are cognate of their "fan base" they know, that SEGA is a derissive term, and trash games are soon neglected or moved off the shelf by discounting, and a spam review is remembered. Console games can be rented at Blockbuster, and soon forgotten....
So the FO setting is "unique" by this Gamespy's standards, but the BG

A graphics and gameplay are not.
(Mouse click time......let ATT know they're spamming me...)
The 'pretty' part of BG

A graphics was there for this Xbox demo,
and I believe that I'play muddied the pallete by thinkin' FO was only earth colors. For me, screenshots can lose data when they are grabbed, many low rez mpg's ain't pretty unless it's in motion. I'play should have know this when they spit out their "best" effort .
Go see the "Soul Caliper 2" or "Starcraft Ghost" sites, if you want to see what is possible when effort is applied.
The FANTASY pallette may not translate to a FO pallette because the lighting sources are different . Fantasies 'Sparkle', FO 'glints' in the sun. The haze of fantasies is in the morning dew, the soft light of forest, the gloom of the maze. The FO haze is dust in the wind, glare, no shade or shadow, remote; contrasted by abandoned, dark, urban decay. An extreme landscape. The fantasy soft edges of pixie green/ultramarine may not allow the graphic punch of post apocalyptic demizons against a backround blended by blast, decay and neglect. I'play has fallen back on electric lighting to shore up the contrasts, and should have a suitable plot twist to justify the plot will only be a pretext for shooting monsters, and picking up "stuff" like any gauntlet under any sun...
I'play "press pack" implies FOBOS has '50's roots. It's obvious any reference to the '50's is bald face propaganda,.....,or ignorance.
The reviewer saw MadMax imagery, at best... I'play is sayin' anything in a shotgun hope to cover all bets, and supplying FO as imagined by it's console crew..
Bottle caps for whores,.... "M" rating fo' sho', the 11 year ol' may be
see more than me. FOBOS may be aimed at that jaded eternal teenaged demographic, and the kids, the customers, they will know how to say "SEGA"...when they see one.
A SEGA by any other name, be I'play..