Feargus on FOOL


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
As part of a seven page, eye-bleeding interview with Total Video Games; Feargus Urquart brought up the impossible dream: Fallout Online.
<blockquote>Obsidian, and your own background, is all about RPGs; have you ever thought about taking the leap into MMOs?

Um, I don't think so. We [Black Isle] had an opportunity to make an MMO, and I said no. Brian Fargo who was running Interplay at the time was really on it; we 'had words'. My mother's a Cockney so she taught me a few words so when I get angry, I 'have words'. It was a good meeting.

The reason at the time, because I would have loved to have made a Fallout MMO, was that I believed that Interplay was just not in a situation where they had the resources to do it. When you go off to do an MMO it's going to cost $100 million before you get it on the shelf; you've gotta buy servers and you've gotta have service people, and you have to have Game Masters. It's an undertaking, and on top of that, it means that you do have to do all that stuff so what else are you going to focus on? What other games are you going to be able to make?</blockquote>Fallout dodged a bullet there, not helped by Feargus' enthusiasm for a bad idea (we have his business acumen to thank).

Link: Feargus Urquart interview at TVG.

Spotted at RPG Codex.
A slam dunk missed, Feargie? Oh no!

What a dumbass...

PS: 100 million? WTF?

PPS: the Codex has a whole trits of Feargie interviews lined up, one dumber than the other, I can't believe the shit that guy is spouting, such as "You learn the most when you go through a full production cycle, so if you make a game over forty-eight months then you you're only learning every forty-eight months. Not exactly, but I think you can learn more if you ship a game every eighteen months."

In other words, we should rush all games releasing shitty half-finished bug-filled products so we can learn more LOL!

wow so they were planing a fallout mmorpg that could of saved blackisle from bankruptcy. shame it most probably would have been very good the way they were improving on fallout games back then.
Well imagine a Fallout, but that all the people (mostly) would be real people over the net. Same graphics, same stuff.

Oh, the murders...the kills, the mayhem! AND IT WOULD BE OK! JIIIHAA! Eat lead f#ckers!

Now I just have to settle for my slave-human-girlfriends. Damn.
Think of running about when suddenly, a person in the game enters combat and the game freezes for everyone as they go through their turns.

Think of the great ambiance as you try and barter your leather armor to someone who says "n00b, I pwn j00, I want better"

Ah... what could have been :?
sounds to me like Feargus Urquart wasnt keen on an mmorpg fallout - good for him !.. i think that would have spoilt the whole concept of fallout.. im not sure if any of you guys are british.. but 'have words' is another way of saying 'argue with'... in other words feargus wasnt keen and argued no with fargo.
Fergus is very right, in that Interplay did not have the resources to build a MMORPG from the ground up. As I have stated before you need really deep pockets, and $100 million is a conservative amount.

However, I doubt his honesty regarding in his involvement regarding it. While I do not have any first hand knowledge of what took place between him and Brian, Fergus has been less than truthful about his accomplishments before.

I also think that Fergus' golden child, JE, would have contributed nothing but ruin to the franchise. His "lead by the nose" approach to creative design would have run counter the open ended, freewill, play style of a MMORPG and the game would have suffered for it.
Like Corith says, i do not belive that Interplay had the $$ or the talent to pull a succesfull MMORPG off.

I do find it ironic that the one time Feargus is competent as a financial manager, perhaps the only thing he seems to ever acknowledge in his "SLAM DUMP!" excuses, it actually takes priority over him whoring out for "cool minigun effects", "crackhead gameplay", and the like.

So hooray for selective integrity.

Metzer said:
wow so they were planing a fallout mmorpg that could of saved blackisle from bankruptcy. shame it most probably would have been very good the way they were improving on fallout games back then.

What the fuck?

First, Black Isle got canned because HERVE later decided to take everything they were doing and changed the direction of Interplay, probably according to some of the shit Feargus was spewing previous to then. As in, axe anything good that might actually be role-playing and might take more than 18 months to crap out, but for "cool stuff" (miniguns and lightsabers for Feargus, like "boobies" for Todd - each becomes a mindless mass incapable of cognitive thought after mentally masturbating to them). Including his earlier defenses of Fallout being axed down to a less than M rating game to be sold in Wal-Mart (with the argument that M rated games don't sell, both on the BIS forums and at Terra-Arcanum), and later he says this about Fallout. So Herve saw no reason for a PC division anymore and went straight for trendy, cheap, SLAM DUNK! material.

Hey, if Lionheart was indeed everything Fallout fans have been <s>waiting for</s> dreading since <s>Fallout 2</s> TORN, then F:POS was the next "logical" step for the trend-chasing Frenchman. So Herve axed apart the company, went for consoles and other trendy things, and BIS was one of those tossed out at the expense of both Jefferson and Van Buren, as those were just PC titles that probably had "too much time" put into them to be worth anything, kind of like Daikatana. So consoles it is!

And people wonder why I try to get some developers to learn when to shut the fuck up. Especially when it's for their own good, but then I get told to shut up because I was not being nice in pointing out how Interplay was swirling the drain, obvious from anyone watching the efforts of said company to glean as much money as possible for the least amount of work.

Herve took that lesson to heart, apparently, his own incompetence and initial competence level of the concept compiling to what Interplay now resembles, since Feargus' SLAM DUNK!s weren't helping much.

FU: I'm cool with it. I mean that's why I didn't want to leave Black Isle for so long because I wanted to make the next Fallout, and knew if I left that I couldn't make Fallout.* It's one of those things that I want to wish them the best of luck--Fallout fans are the worst fans there are. I'd still like to make another Fallout, but something that worries me is whether or not making another Fallout makes sense. It was cool and a lot of fun seven years ago, but is it pertinent anymore? Both of those games sold about 500-750,000 games--it's not a blockbuster, but still pretty good for a game like that--would still that many people buy it? It's a different market now--that was around the last time that people can ship sleeper hits--it's hard to have a sleeper hit now because if something doesn't sell in two weeks Walmart wants its shelf space back. I think it's tough. My personal opinion is I don't think that Bethesda will make a game that's like a Fallout 3. I had an argument on some forum recently and said that having another Fallout game in another way of playing would be great. I don't think Interplay's game--I haven't played it so I can't say--but the reviews weren't that great. Would I like to make another Fallout? Yes, but I don't go out and search for it.

(I still find it funny that after all this time, news, word of mouth, Feargus is still dense enough to use Fallout's sales figures instead of looking at the notice it has across the international industry.)

And secondly, what makes you think FOOL in any form wouldn't have sucked? Really, what "improvements to Fallout games back then" are you talking about? It's hardly with Fallout 2, given the bugs and sloppy attention to the story and setting, then there's the point of the game system not being anywhere near the mechanics for a MMO, nor the game style, the setting wouldn't resemble a wasteland with thousands of other combatants running around milling the same quests, and a number of other problems that made it as unlikely to make a good MMO as it is for Feargus to ever develop a decent CRPG that he's been actively involved in. Lionheart & TORN = SHIT.

So it would be like UO, which has been nothing but a superficial cash cow for EA, and Ultima has since died.

Even more fun. Page one has Feargus' hemorrhoid, JE Sawyer, spouting his classically stupid and infamous line to the agreement of the shining happy retards wanting to swallow his "better be nice to developers or they will go off into their own little delusional world" bullshit**. Sorry, "nice" obviously didn't work with you morons for Fallout 2, nor for Descent to Undermountain (and the lies were still kept on-site even after they were publicly found to be completely untrue), so if someone is going to do something wrong, we will say so. You guys can take credit for your fuck-ups as well as your overhyped BioWare Whore status.

* - Why? It's not as if Feargus had much to do with Fallout 1 or Fallout 2 but try to first glory hog and then later to argue for the skullfucking of the title. I just wish some people would realize that just because he's in the credits, however absent from designing the games as he was, that doesn't mean Feargus should have anything to do with Fallout in the future, or should even keep speaking about it as if he had much to do with either game's development. He certainly didn't do any favors for Descent to Undermountain, as his MIS-management of that project was one of the worst developments I've seen in the industry. Lionheart was simply DtU II, which he used to sell out Fallout fans as a favor for his friends at Reflexive, yet people still talk to Feargus as if he were somehow responsible for good games.

Feargus Urquhart: The impetus seems like "we need make a product that sells as much as Diablo," but that is not necessarily bad. I think developers needed to figure out how to make RPGs again, so that they were not always thinking they were too hard, took too long, and cost too much. They are probably more difficult than other kinds of products, but I'm sure it's not a walk in the park for Id to make the Quake series. The biggest problem that people had, and probably still have to come to terms with is that the content of an RPG takes a long time to make - so you can't do it all three or four times, which happens a lot in other genres.

So, what's with the the SLAM DUNK! mentality?

Yeah, we now see where his obvious problem is, ironic that he would state exactly how he would have his head crammed up his ass years before he's mistakenly thought to be responsible for good games.

Now, if there is a silver lining to the whole thing it is that the team was eventually able to fix most of people's issues with the product except for the graphics, and Interplay learned a good lesson. DTU taught us that even if a product is 99.9% done, or rather 99.9% shippable - done and shippable are two different things - that we should not hesitate to kill it if is not a good product.

Too bad Feargus hasn't learned a DAMN thing since, and forgot that lesson TWICE in lieu of smiling as his asshole was being routinely licked by license whore fanboys. On that note, I can't WAIT for Lionheart II and anything stupid he might have to say about it...

IGN interview circa the year after Fallout was released said:
Interplay is arguably the leading game company in the RPG genre today.

And then Feargus helped destroy it. Aside from the Bard's Tale Construction set, Feargus hadn't really touched a CRPG until Fallout (as the CRPG division lead, no less), and his subsequent mistakes as the division lead make it clear he really wasn't that involved with the titles that managed to escape unscathed from his touch; there's the mistakes around Fallout 2, many false starts with Fallout 3, DtU, TORN, the crappy mods BIS did for the Infinity Engine (minus PS:T, as he had little to do with that, but Asswind Dale has to be noted twice for the crappy expansion), Lionheart, and then KoTOR 2. Really, it's hard to see what Feargus has done for CRPG development at all, except for the games that escaped from his mentality, and his rather amusing but clueless remarks even back when he could count his years as a CRPG developer on only one old shop teacher's hand and yet he's supposedly in charge of said division at the same time, over people who had well more than a decade of practical development experience on him. By that circumstance, I have to extend it from games to the entirely of BIS, Interplay, and the CRPG genre.

Interplay must have been really desperate for lead people, if Chuck Cuevas and Feargus Urquhart were both put into leadership positions almost straight from testing positions.

I think I now have a further suspicion of what made Troika and others leave.

** - "Actually, I'm pretty sure that if Brotherhood of Steel had sold much better than it had, Interplay might have had enough money to continue paying the Black Isle employees who were working on Van Buren."
Oh joy! I knew there was a reason I awoke around 3 AM. It was to read this and laugh. I was missing the Feargie bashing. His mum being cockney explains much. Maybe he could try making his interviews even better by tossing off some cokney rhyming slang. Every time that jackass opens his mouth in an interview it's comedy gold. I wonder what's next for the mighty Obsidian now that they've got that deal with Sega. Guess Bio didn't have any more handouts or they simply got tired of his rimjob technique.

It'd be nice to see them finish something for JE's sake though. We bash Sawyer often enough but we've never seen the guy complete anything other than IWD2. BG3 and FO3 dead. He left Midway and NWN2 is him picking up from where Ferretface left off.

And for good measure, if MCA worked on FOOL, would there have been an amnesia plot??? MYSTARY!
Josan said:
Oh joy! I knew there was a reason I awoke around 3 AM. It was to read this and laugh.

The aragami of the industry reaches into far realms. :D

I tend to think of myself as the Jabootu of the game industry.

I was missing the Feargie bashing. His mum being cockney explains much. Maybe he could try making his interviews even better by tossing off some cokney rhyming slang.

Oh, damn, now you've done it...

I think he still hates me for the "David Duchovney nailed in the chin with a super-sledge" remark a few years back in the chubby chipmunk years. :D

Every time that jackass opens his mouth in an interview it's comedy gold.

I've heard the Codex has many copies of them, but I really don't want to know if it IS possible to die laughing.

I wonder what's next for the mighty Obsidian now that they've got that deal with Sega.

We could only wonder and fear at what new levels of desperation he's sunk to.

Guess Bio didn't have any more handouts or they simply got tired of his rimjob technique.

And here I thought a fat face would have made a wonderful seat for just such an occasion. :twisted:

It'd be nice to see them finish something for JE's sake though. We bash Sawyer often enough but we've never seen the guy complete anything other than IWD2. BG3 and FO3 dead. He left Midway and NWN2 is him picking up from where Ferretface left off.

I dunno...he IS kinda green, doesn't know all the key tricks to a CRPG, but I really doubt that Midway was doing him any favors, as was neither BIS/Obsidian. You often can only learn as well as you have a team, or else you might be railroaded into the wrong kind of thinking, which is a shame. JE isn't a complete idiot, but he's said some stupid things. He is still relatively new in the industry, but needs a good mentor in the industry. Problem is, where?

And for good measure, if MCA worked on FOOL, would there have been an amnesia plot??? MYSTARY!

[After character customization.]

You awaken in a trapper town with no knowledge of how you arrived there...or who you are. Joy.
That`s just silly. Ok, so you don`t like the guy, but it doesn`t necessarily mean he`s not right. MMORPG isn`t just serious undertaking, it`s goddamn HUGE undertaking.
Thinking that they simply could reuse old art assets is (and I apologize, of course but ) dumb. They`d need tens of times more stuff for all the player characters (and variations, and equipped stuff) alone. And what about environments? Both Fallout games were basically a map with some locations. If you want to go all Ultima Online on Fallout you need continuous environment with..gasp.. according amount of art. Its HUGE.

And I`d bet everyone would be crying foul over the loss of turn based combat (cause I think I`ve heard those cries before ;) )
It just wouldn`t have been the Fallout we all know.

Plus, he`s right about all them astronomical initial costs. 100 million sounds a bit like just pulled from arse, but would it really matter if it was just half of it? It`s freaking huge pile of money and most of the costs are not one-time payments either.

So, in the end I`m glad they didnt go that way. It`d have been Fallout: BoS Online. No, thanks.
Roshambo said:
Josan said:
I was missing the Feargie bashing. His mum being cockney explains much. Maybe he could try making his interviews even better by tossing off some cokney rhyming slang.

Oh, damn, now you've done it...

I think he still hates me for the "David Duchovney nailed in the chin with a super-sledge" remark a few years back in the chubby chipmunk years. :D

You mean he's escaped his Fat Elvis phase? Last picture I saw of Feargie reminded me of a cross between said chubby chipmunk, and with the rosey cheeks and nose, a drunken Salvation Army Santa Claus.

Every time that jackass opens his mouth in an interview it's comedy gold.

I've heard the Codex has many copies of them, but I really don't want to know if it IS possible to die laughing.

Well, maybe we'll get a chance to find out. On our deathbeds, we've got to be sure to we leave him something fitting in our wills. A couple braincells from either of us will pick things up for him immeasurably.

I wonder what's next for the mighty Obsidian now that they've got that deal with Sega.

We could only wonder and fear at what new levels of desperation he's sunk to.

I have a vision... Sonic the Hedgehog: the Lost Years.

You play a blue hedgehog, who for some strange reason, known only to a "special few", has amnesia.

Guess Bio didn't have any more handouts or they simply got tired of his rimjob technique.

And here I thought a fat face would have made a wonderful seat for just such an occasion. :twisted:

Well, I've always said "a blow job is a blow job and a rim job is a rim job" but I don't think I'd let Feargie get that close to me. Now JE on the other hand, is kinda cute...

It'd be nice to see them finish something for JE's sake though. We bash Sawyer often enough but we've never seen the guy complete anything other than IWD2. BG3 and FO3 dead. He left Midway and NWN2 is him picking up from where Ferretface left off.

I dunno...he IS kinda green, doesn't know all the key tricks to a CRPG, but I really doubt that Midway was doing him any favors, as was neither BIS/Obsidian. You often can only learn as well as you have a team, or else you might be railroaded into the wrong kind of thinking, which is a shame. JE isn't a complete idiot, but he's said some stupid things. He is still relatively new in the industry, but needs a good mentor in the industry. Problem is, where?

That is a problem. I do think he's got potential even if he still hates me for calling him on some design issues back on the old IPLY boards when IWD2 came out.

And for good measure, if MCA worked on FOOL, would there have been an amnesia plot??? MYSTARY!

[After character customization.]

You awaken in a trapper town with no knowledge of how you arrived there...or who you are. Joy.

Don't forget the gambling and whoring. And rats. Lots and lots of rats. That was one thing IWD2 had over FO, FO2 and PS-T: crates instead of rats.

Nauris said:
That`s just silly. Ok, so you don`t like the guy, but it doesn`t necessarily mean he`s not right. MMORPG isn`t just serious undertaking, it`s goddamn HUGE undertaking.


Plus, he`s right about all them astronomical initial costs. 100 million sounds a bit like just pulled from arse, but would it really matter if it was just half of it? It`s freaking huge pile of money and most of the costs are not one-time payments either.

Yeah, even Feargie can be right from time to time. I mean statistically, everyone has to be right some time.

But then, you could have asked the average man on the street if IPLY has the financial resources to do an MMO and they'd have a damn good chance of being right with their answer too.

So, in the end I`m glad they didnt go that way. It`d have been Fallout: BoS Online. No, thanks.

Who are you guys?
Where am I?
Who am I?
.....Guess I must be the Chosen one. [giggle]

Fallout Online would be in the same context of really bad ideas such as Dark Alliance and BoS, but I reckon it would have been 1000 times funnier to see in development. Shame.

"In a lot of other previous D&D games, you could die pretty quickly, and whenever you die and you have to go back to a save, or you forget to save and you have to go back to the start, people who experience that a few times aren't going to continue with the game because they keep on dying. "

Basically you want to cater for the dumb masses and give them a iwin button. Forget to save? Come on you'd have to be such a dumbarse if you forget to save for ages, your own fucking fault if you forgot. Besides some players purposely save rarely to add to the tension, ffs stop thinking of the 'poor children' as vault dweller said. I have never ever played an rpg, or any genre for that matter, where it was just too hard I had to stop playing and run off crying. SURE I had gaming moments where it was fricking hard but once I got through I get a good feeling and a hard on. [nah not really, just the hard on]

It doesn't seem many rpg companies want to cater for those who want a challenge and some form of intelligence required. So many RPGs today are not even one, mostly mindless easy grinding and purty graphics. In my mind the last real RPG was Arcanum, that was like
5 years ago. After that I have not played any form of game that gave me freedom to do what the funk I want, dialogue, isometric graphics etc etc. It seems the that era is definately dead now. So looks like the 13ft wave of stupid grinding, purty 3D graphics and linear stupid silly "I forget" plots is going to wash us away out to the sea of shite.

The way the RPG game industry is going atm reminds me of George Lucas and Star Wars 1-3.
SumsoluS said:
"In a lot of other previous D&D games, you could die pretty quickly, and whenever you die and you have to go back to a save, or you forget to save and you have to go back to the start, people who experience that a few times aren't going to continue with the game because they keep on dying. "

This brings up a very amusing point. BioWare (and associated lackeys) likes to consider themselves RPG designers, despite how poorly quantified that can be termed. Those with a clue know their games are pretty much dungeon crawlers.

Then why compared to traditional dungeon crawlers do BioWare/BIS/Obsidian games suck ass? Compared to traditional dungeon crawlers, why do their puzzles also similarly suck ass? Replaying Eye of the Beholder can have you facing puzzles and other things that BioWare simply couldn't be arsed to draw on a bitmap, and still can't manage to do with 3d because their scripting is shit. The same with Gold Box and Wizardry being of higher quality and difficulty.

Simply put, they dumb the games down so any idiot can play. Gone are the puzzles of the dungeon crawler, the hardest thing either company cares to challenge its players with is how they should twink out their already overpowered light saber.

Nauris said:
That`s just silly. Ok, so you don`t like the guy, but it doesn`t necessarily mean he`s not right.

As Josan has pointed out already, the law of averages has to give him the illusion of competence every so often. :D

MMORPG isn`t just serious undertaking, it`s goddamn HUGE undertaking.

Indeed, while a CRPG is a serious undertaking. Which Feargus has never really been serious about in his entire fucking career.

Thinking that they simply could reuse old art assets is (and I apologize, of course but ) dumb. They`d need tens of times more stuff for all the player characters (and variations, and equipped stuff) alone. And what about environments? Both Fallout games were basically a map with some locations. If you want to go all Ultima Online on Fallout you need continuous environment with..gasp.. according amount of art. Its HUGE.

So is a CRPG, but that was part of my hidden point if you had read through the lines. Feargus comes up with this reason against MMOs, but then advocates a SLAM DUNK! development cycle for real CRPGs, but his moronic mentality hasn't yet once spawned a decent game, when in the past he's pointed out exactly what his problem is now. CRPGs DO take time and effort, which he simply isn't willing to do.

And I`d bet everyone would be crying foul over the loss of turn based combat (cause I think I`ve heard those cries before Wink )
It just wouldn`t have been the Fallout we all know.

Indeed, we have many topics about this.

Plus, he`s right about all them astronomical initial costs. 100 million sounds a bit like just pulled from arse, but would it really matter if it was just half of it? It`s freaking huge pile of money and most of the costs are not one-time payments either.

Which makes it even more funny as the Dirty French Whore is currently looking to start up a FOOL, and Feargus is bent on cutting corners.

So, in the end I`m glad they didnt go that way. It`d have been Fallout: BoS Online. No, thanks.

With amnesia plots all around! :D