Feargus on Obsidian's hope to make a Fallout

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This ghoul has seen it all
The Obsidian Forums have been running a feature in which forum users ask questions of Obsidian devs for some time now. In yesterday's entry, Feargus Urquhart speaks a bit on a possible post-apocalyptic title from Obisidian and on the wish to make another Fallout:<blockquote>As for future titles, I would like us to continue making both Fantasy games and games placed in other genres - like Post Apocalyptic and SciFi. A number of us have been toying around with the idea of a Post Apocalyptic Fantasy world. There are a number of campaign worlds out there that explore this idea and I think a really cool video/computer game could be made within a world like that. While we couldn't go with the campy 50's feel of Fallout (campy as in the Pip Boy look, not campy as in culture references), I think the tension created by having all the different fantasy societies trying to scrape by and rebuild would make for an interesting world to explore. As for a straight SciFi game, I don't have an real specific ideas about what we might do just yet. I know a lot of people around here love 40K, so I was thinking of talking to THQ at some point about whether they would like to a 40K game that is more RPG than RTS.

Finally, I should probably talk about the twin gorillas in the closet. I'm sure there's a correct analogy in there somewhere, but that's what came to mind. Anyway, I'm speaking of the the KotOR3 and Fallout gorillas. Both of those are games that I and everyone else here at Obsidian would love to make. I don't know if we will ever get the chance, but I do continue to talk with LucasArts about what might be going on with KotOR3. As for Fallout, like I said, I'm not sure if we'll ever get the chance, but I know that I'd love to make another Fallout - plus, I think Avellone's already designed the next 12 of them.</blockquote>Link: Top Ten @ Obisidian - Obsidian Forum Community (citation is from what is currently the bottom post)
Finally, I should probably talk about the twin gorillas in the closet. I'm sure there's a correct analogy in there somewhere, but that's what came to mind. Anyway, I'm speaking of the the KotOR3 and Fallout gorillas. Both of those are games that I and everyone else here at Obsidian would love to make. I don't know if we will ever get the chance, but I do continue to talk with LucasArts about what might be going on with KotOR3. As for Fallout, like I said, I'm not sure if we'll ever get the chance, but I know that I'd love to make another Fallout - plus, I think Avellone's already designed the next 12 of them.

(*#^&(#@^%&*#@ Buttsecks.

That would be so effing neat. But i dont think it'll ever happen... :,(

Also, that last line made my day. :)
mein gott smb give these men a licenese

time to sell your car and grab a number in the franchise .. by now interplay should be really desperate for cash

they can start on fallout 5 ! :) i dont mind what its called
The scary thing is figuring out whether MCA made more sequels that fuck over the setting or not.
A game that implemented 3.5e D&D psionics properly would be teh awesome actually.
Fantasy postapo game?Intersting.And I realy hope they somehow get rights to make 40K rpg.
lol ive had the idear for a necromunda for years now. id love to be able to make it the game is just lush and full of backstorys would make for a great game
Now that Bethesda owns the license, it's possible they can whore it out to third parties. I'd be all for seeing Obsidian get a shot at Fallout. It'd be far more of an RPG than anything Beth is likely to spit out any day soon.