Felix Stiles


Night Watchman
Staff member
This just hit me: The Mayor of Quincy names him a "war hero".

What war? The human-supermutant war?

I think not, since the muties haven't made it that far east and you only meet them a bit later...
If its FOT im just going to disregaurd this topic, I only played FOT for about 2 days before thinking it sucked.
Yeah, it's a FOT thing.

Don't know why he's called a war hero, though. Maybe he's just one hell of a good soldier, who fought a lot of battles, maybe even against raiders or beastlords instead of muties.


Quincy is probably the best mission in the game, imo.
Yeah, it's cool. I'm playing the game again, and that's my next mission now. I think Macomb was a bit... not that good. I just hopped in the jeep and drove like hell.

Anyhoo, I think he's a war-hero in the war against readers and alike.
Morpoggel said:
Anyhoo, I think he's a war-hero in the war against readers and alike.

*reads, then ducks under the desk to avoid gunfire from Felix Stiles*
Probably just another FoT canon inconsistency. Just like finding fresh, albeit torn to pieces, corpses dressed in vault jumpsuits in the old military base with all the Timmy tribals outside. I'm not a mortician, but I'd say a corpse has pretty much turned into dust and bones after a 150 years or so, which is when Tactics takes place .

Unless, of course, that military base just opened. Unlikely, since the tribals had settled above ground.

To the developers, maybe it seemed cool to have fresh links and references to the Great war left in the game. Maybe they should have made a prequel to the Fallout games, instead? Stupid, stupid 14 degrees east creatures.
yup the red goo thing is kinda inconsistent.
A skeleton sprite is far more fitting.

Also the charred pocked marks in St Louis definitely has to be the work of at least mortars and i doubt the muties had such weapons. And they looked too fresh if those markings dated since the Great War (I mean blowing sand would have covered those pot holes after 150 years).
Silencer said:
This just hit me: The Mayor of Quincy names him a "war hero".

What war? The human-supermutant war?
Could be any number of numerous conflicts as part of the every day grind of survival. It's one thing that bugs me about the Fallout universe, the catagorising everyone into groups. Raiders, Civilians, Tribals etc. It's more likely that while there are some nomadic tribes and gangs, each community would just as likely raid each other at the first sign of weakness and other than places like Vault city the average citizen of the wastes would be at varying degrees of tribalness.

Baboon said:
Probably just another FoT canon inconsistency. Just like finding fresh, albeit torn to pieces, corpses dressed in vault jumpsuits in the old military base with all the Timmy tribals outside. I'm not a mortician, but I'd say a corpse has pretty much turned into dust and bones after a 150 years or so, which is when Tactics takes place.
That could be put down to lack of graphical options, there's no skeletal death, other than the one sprite the headless corpse in vault 0, or they were intending it to look like others had tried to access the outpost before you.

Baboon said:
Unless, of course, that military base just opened. Unlikely, since the tribals had settled above ground.
That base had been abandoned for years by the looks of it, probably the tribals were descended from the original occupants. The text of the Elder doesn't rule out that others have come seeking the secrets of the base before you.

Ripper said:
Also the charred pocked marks in St Louis definitely has to be the work of at least mortars and i doubt the muties had such weapons. And they looked too fresh if those markings dated since the Great War (I mean blowing sand would have covered those pot holes after 150 years).
The mutants were originally going to have mortars, in fact there's an unused mortar sprite included with the game, they probably didn't have time to get a mortar working, likewise in a later mission, probably Cheyenne Mountain you were meant to be able to call in artillery support.

If you really want an inconsistancy, why in the Cold Water mission are there still burning oildrums, and lamps? Would the robots really need the light and wouldn't they use arc lights and portable lamps (which there are sprites for, if broken) unlike the Great Bend mission there's no humans still around, and the robots have been there for a while to erect the generators and complex.
Heh im glad "Artillery support" did not made into the game.

Roving APCs and Tanks are alreeady too much for me, the next thing i would want to is able to paint the area red and send 155mm shells all over the place.

God forbid if the mid-west BoS had artillery, it won't fit the Fallout feel anymore.

Edit: Or whatever little FO feel is left....
Argonnot said:
If its FOT im just going to disregaurd this topic, I only played FOT for about 2 days before thinking it sucked.

It's ok, you were not the only one. :)
Just so that you know, there's a text file for every mission in Tactics with short descriptions for every character in the game, together with all of their speech lines. You can find it in the core directory (as far as I can remember) as one of those locale.bos files, which actually really aren't anything else but Zip archives. Hope that sheds some new light on the problem at hand. And yes, you didn't hear this from me. Ok?
// Name: Felix Stiles.
// Role: Warden, Military Advisor.
// Background: Felix is an old veteran of the early years of Quincy. Originally
// a wanderer of the wastes, Felix has earned his reputation as an experienced
// warrior. His age as well as his failing health, prevent him from active duty
// to the town. Semi-retired, Felix spends his days teaching the youngsters how
// to defend the town.
There you go. Though I still think he's after the Mayor's daugther, that old perv - he didn't fool me.