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I'm experiencing a strange behavior of the BIS mapper. I have two scripts. HCPAVEL.ssl/.int and HCSTEPH.ssl/.int. Both compiled without problems. And both can be found by the mapper. But when I want to choose HCPAVEL.int, the mapper overwrites this choice with HCSTEPH.int. HCSTEPH.int comes after HCPAVEL.int in SCRIPTS.H and SCRIPTS.LST. When I'm doing it vice versa HCPAVEL.int overwrites HCSTEPH.int.

What I'm doing wrong?
Something is mixed up or broken in your scripts.lst for sure. Does the same happen if you manually write the script or only if you pick it from the list?
It even happens when I write the scripts name manually in the "Type in script name" field. I can choose every other vanilla script but not my first script.

Now it works....
I have no fucking clue why.
All I did differently now is that I shuffled the vanilla scripts around inside SCRIPTS.LST.
I didn't put HCSTEPH.int right after HCPAVEL.int. I placed HCPAVEL.int first then sfdock.int or any other vanilla script and after that HCSTEPH.int. Now every script is assignable.

Fallout classic modding is cursed.
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There must be something broken somewhere in the file, because obviously the mapper associates the wrong script ID to the wrong line in the .lst file.

I remember a while ago someone had similar issues and said it was fixed with putting his script at the very beginning of the .lst file -- I think I've replied that this is a bad idea, as it's not fixing the actual issue, it's just a workaround for something else and could produce other issues down the line.