Film Discussion Thread

The Outsider

Wandering Entity
Recently watched a couple of films on Netflix, they're pretty good.
So have anyone seen Stargate and Logan's Run? Because I found myself loving Stargate with its fascinating concepts, the story, the lore, Kurt motherfucking Russel and the cast, the music score, and the atmosphere. It's a great film! Logan's Run on the other hand, same old dystopian shit you can see in some/most of any Post-Apocalyptic/Science Fiction films in history. Even though the acting is good, Logan's Run is decent enough, I guess. :shrug:
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Logan's Run is a fun oldschool flick, although a step down from the book.
Stargate is brilliant, I highly recommend the TV show(s) as well.
Stargate is brilliant, I highly recommend the TV show(s) as well.
All I see when I typed search on Netflix (other than the film and Logan's Run) were a few Star Trek shows and other stuff, but no Stargate shows. Oh well, at least wait it out because I'm just L-A-Z-Y at the moment.
So what Films have you seen recently?
I hated it. I kept hearing about it being an amazing horror film, a film that will define horror of this decade, and what I got was a drama film with a sprinkle of horror here and there until at the end where it turned a 180 and became laughably absurd. If you go into it expecting a drama film about loss and survivors guilt with some supernatural elements sprinkled in I'm sure you'll have a better time but if you expect horror then you're going to have to wait 1 hour and 40 minutes and then get ready to laugh.

A found footage film of a film crew for a tv-show about ghost hunting uh... Well, finding proof I guess... I highly suggest you go into it blindly as the turn of events made me really uncomfortable. The acting isn't creme de la creme, it's what you'd expect of a... Semi-b film. It has a silly moment of cgi briefly and obviously there are gong to be some shock horror ooga booga boo! But the atmosphere, the buildup, and just... The hopelessness of it all as they... Man I can't explain the best element without spoiling it.

Expect a silly b-film and hopefully you'll be surprised by its turn of events.

Oh and the sequel is pure b-film that just rehashes the first one. It's fun to watch but not nearly as memorable.

grave encounters.jpg

Uh... It's a horror film where a group helps an archaeologist descend the catatombs under paris. I think you can piece together what's going to happen when they descend a dark hole in the ground. Again, I'd advice just going into it blind and expect a b-film so you'll be surprised by the turn of events. It gets real fucky as it goes on.

as above.jpg
All I see when I typed search on Netflix (other than the film and Logan's Run) were a few Star Trek shows and other stuff, but no Stargate shows. Oh well, at least wait it out because I'm just L-A-Z-Y at the moment.
So what Films have you seen recently?
The shows are not on Netflix.
There is Stargate: SG1, Stargate: Atlantis, and Stargate: Universe. The last one kinda sucks, but SG1 and Atlantis are pretty cool. They're pretty much monster/planet-of-the-week style shows, but greatly entertaining due to a very likeable cast.
A found footage film of a film crew for a tv-show about ghost hunting uh... Well, finding proof I guess... I highly suggest you go into it blindly as the turn of events made me really uncomfortable. The acting isn't creme de la creme, it's what you'd expect of a... Semi-b film. It has a silly moment of cgi briefly and obviously there are gong to be some shock horror ooga booga boo! But the atmosphere, the buildup, and just... The hopelessness of it all as they... Man I can't explain the best element without spoiling it.

Expect a silly b-film and hopefully you'll be surprised by its turn of events.

Oh and the sequel is pure b-film that just rehashes the first one. It's fun to watch but not nearly as memorable.
I've seen Grave Encounters a few years ago on Cinemax?/Showtime? and I thought it's quite good, it has "Cult Status" written all over it.
I've re-watched the first three Indiana Jones films, they're really damn good films. My favorite is obviously Raiders of the Lost Ark, because it's a classic and it's one of those movies that has a PG rating. This film is pretty violent, yet awesome along with Jaws, Beetlejuice, Gremlins, even Wizards (an animated science-fiction fantasy film directed by Ralph Bakshi). Any thoughts to share?
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Love Indiana Jones, although I do maintain that Temple of Doom was almost as annoying and bad as Crystal Skull thanks to Willie and Short Round.
That being said, I don't hate Kingdom of the Crystal Skull that much. It had some silly elements and was a bit nonsensical, but so was Temple of Doom, and they still manage to be entertaining.
Love Indiana Jones, although I do maintain that Temple of Doom was almost as annoying and bad as Crystal Skull thanks to Willie and Short Round.
That being said, I don't hate Kingdom of the Crystal Skull that much. It had some silly elements and was a bit nonsensical, but so was Temple of Doom, and they still manage to be entertaining.
Now, what do you think about PG films nowadays compared to PG films back then?
PG movies are literally just G rated movies. PG-13 used to mean something but it's been so watered down that the entire ratings system is a joke.
I know, right?
Compare Raiders of the Lost Ark, Beetlejuice, Ralph Bakshi's Wizards, and other older PG films to latest "PG" films, because none of them ain't got shit for the superior classics that has the PG rating.
For example; in Raiders, the Nazis has their bodies shriveled up, faces being melted, and Belloq's head exploded all because of seeing the contents inside the Ark.

It's surprisingly graphic, yet awesome at the same time!
"A FAMILY PICTURE!" - Nostalgia Critic

Now, it's just G movies but with a P next to it, because fuck it.
It's like the MPAA are not even trying or maybe trying a bit too hard, or both. You know what I mean?
It's like the MPAA are not even trying or maybe trying a bit too hard, or both
The MPAA are corrupt and gay. They tried to give clerks an NC-17 for naughty words but then mirmax talked to them. They tried to give army of darkness (a movie that's really PG-13 at worst) an nc-17 for because of a shot of a deadite being decapitated because the first two films were more or less independent.
The MPAA are corrupt and gay. They tried to give clerks an NC-17 for naughty words but then mirmax talked to them. They tried to give army of darkness (a movie that's really PG-13 at worst) an nc-17 for because of a shot of a deadite being decapitated because the first two films were more or less independent.
The MPAA are outdated, now is the age of the Internet, when everybody are learning more every day.
By the way, what's your favorite PG film and what have you seen recently?
By the way, what's your favorite PG film
... That's so wierdly specific. Also impossible to answer because there are too many good movies.

The first ones that come to mind are
Howard the Duck

and what have you seen recently?
Nothing really. Most of my free time has been dedicated to procuring and playing games and then watching star trek until I sleep.

Although the most recent movie I bought was the outlaw Josey Wales. Pretty great western.

Also been meaning to see John wick 3 but I'm carrying the entire houshold on my back atm so money's pretty tight.

I actually literally only have one dollar and I don't get paid for 3 days. Phone bill will be due soon as well so y'all probably won't be hearing from me for a while because I can't pay that shit right now.
Howard the Duck... really? What makes it any good?
It lacks any proper focus, wants to be for kids and adults at the same time, has an absolutely breakneck pace and is the dumbest thing ever. All of that makes for a wild ride.

also Leah Thompson is super cute

It's not a good movie I just really enjoy it.
Love Indiana Jones, although I do maintain that Temple of Doom was almost as annoying and bad as Crystal Skull thanks to Willie and Short Round.
That being said, I don't hate Kingdom of the Crystal Skull that much. It had some silly elements and was a bit nonsensical, but so was Temple of Doom, and they still manage to be entertaining.
Yeah, I actually like Crystal Skull marginally better than Temple.
Love Indiana Jones, although I do maintain that Temple of Doom was almost as annoying and bad as Crystal Skull thanks to Willie and Short Round.
That being said, I don't hate Kingdom of the Crystal Skull that much. It had some silly elements and was a bit nonsensical, but so was Temple of Doom, and they still manage to be entertaining.
Yeah, I actually like Crystal Skull marginally better than Temple.
Temple of Doom was the worst of the bunch, relatively speaking. That makes Crystal Skull not the worst Indy movie, in spite of it's bad rep. The story fit the time setting. Best, of course, was Last Crusade. Can't beat Sir Sean.