Final Exams!

You get to use calculators? Even programable ones? Lucky bastards! For first semeister this year we couldn't even use a basic one for any of the math classes. Yeah, try doing Calculus that way. For second semeister we could only use the Casio 991 or something like that. Basically its a calculator that has less functions on it than I used in high school. During my Calc II class we did a shitload of problems that dealt specifically with electrical engineering, so just hang in there and you'll see what you want to see.

Programable calculators, sheesh...
Lucky boy

Of course you are not supposed to use programmable calculators like the TI-92s or HPs in Calc 1. I don't see why the people that used them did. For Calc 2 in Laplace, Fourier and other insane shit like that its ok to use them. I think my university pretty average as they go but they like to funnel too much material in one semester (who's heard of reaching Laplace in first semester? No other university in my country does insane shit like that).