Final Fantasy ranting

Well, thanks to this thread, it got me to beat FF6(Again for the ?? time, beat it way too many times on SNES)....*shrugs*

SkynetV4 said:
I didn't manage to go fully into RPGs until I got an SNES and started playing Secret of Mana...the first and last game I min/maxed.

Secret of Mana is the only reason I risked a slight fine to download a SNES emulater + roms. Well, that, Chrono Trigger, and Earthbound.

Talk about a revolutionary *ahem* RPG *ahem*
EB was the first RPG i EVER played that blew my mind because it could be set in the Now. And because it had a NPC group that was a tribute to the Blues Brothers.

SkynetV4 said:
At least until I played Chrono Trigger.

Yes...Chrono Trigger stole my soul.

SkynetV4 said:
Around that time I got into Fallout and my life was never the same.

Was anyone's life the same after Fallout? Oh wait mine was, I hadnt had a social life before it, and afterwards it ensured that i didnt GET one for another year and a half.
Final Fantsy is a fantastic series ,but like everyone else has mentioned it really has shortcomings,however the perks outweigh all the lackluster traits.


1. The story is so deep and interesting. Every Final Fantasy game has a great story,albeit some are better than others.

2. Its easy to learn,but it's not TOO easy to learn.Even though every Final Fantsy has A different play mechanic they are always easy to master and similiar to the other games in the series.

3. The graphics really make you feel like your part of the team.

4. The music! Yes the music is so beautiful I still listen to FF7 and 8 sometimes.


1. Most of the games are too linear or short,except for FF6 and 7.

2.Sometimes the story is TOO deep and complicated at times,leaving you too wonder what the heck they were talking about in the end. Sometimes the stories are so complicated people come up with different interpratations at the end of the story, and no one really knows what the creators intended to say.

3. RANDOM BATTLES SUCK. They really aren't fun when a level 1 goblin attacks you level 79 party.Can anyone say WASTE OF TIME?

4. Final Fantasy is slowly going downhill. It's sad but true. FF 7 was the peak ,8 was good in my opinion but it went downhill fromkthat point. Don't get me wrong, 9 and 10 were fun ,but not as good as 7.

5. The series isn't advancing well enough. It's still the same game it was yeares ago.

Well I guess there are less perks than downfalls,but the FF series still rocks,however it really does need a facelift...along with liposuction and a tummy tuck.