Finally playing Fallout1, got a few questions, will add more


First time out of the vault
I played fo1 some time ago (got to shady sands and raiders, but not much further)

recently I've regrettably completed fallout3 and am now playing fo1
with the npc and teamx mods

How to make fallout (usb stick) portable?
there's a pre-modded portable version "out there" but i wanted to learn the process myself

example: is it possible to get +1 int? or should i just set it to 10 from start?

In speech dialogue, is the "ask about" button just a gimmick? I could not ever find a use for it! i mean, I'm IN shady sands, and i ask a resident in the "ask about" box for "shady sands" and they reply that they dont know what they're talking about.

when i meet the first trader, south of the vault, he doesnt have anything to barter with me, but i see boxes of stuff behind him that i can freely take with no bad karma/steal signal
-why is that? isnt all that stuff his??
1. Right-clicking on the active item button will cycle through its attack modes; a round target symbol on it indicates an aimed attack. However, if you chose the Fast Shot trait, you can't make any aimed attacks.

2. It never does anything useful, but adds a bit more flavor to the game. Important people tend to have more responses.
And more sound files with their responses if they're talking heads, which adds even more flavour - try asking Set about some stuff.
Kanhef said:
1. Right-clicking on the active item button will cycle through its attack modes; a round target symbol on it indicates an aimed attack. However, if you chose the Fast Shot trait, you can't make any aimed attacks.

is there a savegame editor to change that?

If not, I started a new game ( was only 5 hours in my first save)

Are these decent char stats? gifted/bloody mess perks, lockpick, smalll guns

                         VAULT-13 PERSONNEL RECORD
                        05 December 2161  0721 hours

  Name: V                  Age: 21               Gender: Male
 Level: 01                 Exp: 25           Next Level: 1,000

 ::: Statistics :::
       Strength: 09         Hit Points: 032/034         Sequence: 09
     Perception: 08        Armor Class: 006         Healing Rate: 01
      Endurance: 05      Action Points: 08       Critical Chance: 007%
       Charisma: 05       Melee Damage: 04          Carry Weight: 250 lbs.
   Intelligence: 07        Damage Res.: 000%
        Agility: 06     Radiation Res.: 010%
           Luck: 07        Poison Res.: 025%

 ::: Traits :::           ::: Perks :::           ::: Karma :::
  Bloody Mess                                      Reputation (General) 0

 ::: Skills :::                ::: Kills :::
  Small Guns ..... 051%        Rats ........... 002
  Big Guns ....... 006%
  Energy Weapons . 006%
  Unarmed ........ 062%
  Melee Weapons .. 052%
  Throwing ....... 036%
  First aid ...... 027%
  Doctor ......... 012%
  Sneak .......... 041%
  Lockpick ....... 037%
  Steal .......... 016%
  Traps .......... 017%
  Science ........ 029%
  Repair ......... 017%
  Speech ......... 025%
  Barter ......... 020%
  Gambling ....... 031%
  Outdoorsman .... 001%

 ::: Inventory :::
  1x Knife                 3x 10mm JHP              4x Stimpak             
  2x Flare                 1x Lock Picks            1x 10mm AP             
  1x 10mm Pistol           1x Knife               

                                      Total Weight: 13 lbs.
Your ST seems too high if you're going for a gunslinger. You only need 5 ST to use every small gun in the game. Also, since power armor gives +3 ST, every point over 7 is lost if you find PA.
If you really really want to carry a lot of stuff throughout the game, then 9 ST is good though. But then again, you could just use your followers as pack-mules...

Keep in mind that EN only gives you more HP per lvl for every two points, so you should either go EN 6 or 4.
The same with AG, only gives 1 AP for every two points in AG. You should probably go for at least 8 AG since AP is very important.
Also, some more IN couldn't hurt since Gifted gives you less skill points per lvl.

And I wouldn't go for bloody mess. It gets old pretty fast and it's much more rewarding when you achieve a bloody kill without it.
Also, they're not perks, they are traits ;)
Might want to swap bloody mess to finesse..10 % extra chance to do crits, though slightly less base dmg. but the eye/groin crits are worth it.
Traits are difficult to choose, most are two-sided swords. (except bloody mess if i <3 gore i guess...)

you could just use your followers as pack-mules...

How? When I barter wit them and give crap away for free only to have to buy it back?

Thanks for the tips, especially PlanHex I think this is a suitable character:
                         VAULT-13 PERSONNEL RECORD
                        05 December 2161  0721 hours

  Name: V                  Age: 21               Gender: Male
 Level: 01                 Exp: 0            Next Level: 1,000

 ::: Statistics :::
       Strength: 07         Hit Points: 028/030         Sequence: 07
     Perception: 07        Armor Class: 008         Healing Rate: 01
      Endurance: 04      Action Points: 09       Critical Chance: 018%
       Charisma: 04       Melee Damage: 02          Carry Weight: 200 lbs.
   Intelligence: 09        Damage Res.: 000%
        Agility: 08     Radiation Res.: 008%
           Luck: 08        Poison Res.: 020%

 ::: Traits :::           ::: Perks :::           ::: Karma :::
  Finesse                                          Reputation (General) 0

 ::: Skills :::                ::: Kills :::
  Small Guns ..... 053%
  Big Guns ....... 008%
  Energy Weapons . 008%
  Unarmed ........ 062%
  Melee Weapons .. 052%
  Throwing ....... 038%
  First aid ...... 028%
  Doctor ......... 013%
  Sneak .......... 023%
  Lockpick ....... 037%
  Steal .......... 018%
  Traps .......... 017%
  Science ........ 033%
  Repair ......... 019%
  Speech ......... 023%
  Barter ......... 018%
  Gambling ....... 034%
  Outdoorsman .... 021%

 ::: Inventory :::

                                      Total Weight: 0 lbs.
That character will do just fine. You can trade freely with NPCs when they're in your party, no need to buy it back. The barter screen doesn't even show the price of items.
Kanhef said:
That character will do just fine. You can trade freely with NPCs when they're in your party, no need to buy it back. The barter screen doesn't even show the price of items.

It does for me (fallout1 with Ian) it shows the price, and if I try to trade back, without offering anything, he replies that my price is nnot good enough
Frank Horrigan@BIS said:
If you're going to play "fair", you might want to withdraw one more point from ST, since you can gain up to four points during the game (=10).

without spoiling the story, what other SPECIAL skills can I avoid maxxing out at startup?

example: is it possible to get +1 int? or should i just set it to 10 from start?
Per's guides cover this rather thoroughly.

Per's Almighty Guide to Fallout said:
Every stat can be raised by 1 permanently during the game (except ST which goes up by 4), so starting with 10 in any stat is a bit of a waste. IN and LK can be raised by 2 permanently instead of 1 by taking advantage of scripting glitches, so if you're not above that you shouldn't begin with more than 8 in those.
Kanhef said:
Per's guides cover this rather thoroughly.

Per's Almighty Guide to Fallout said:
Every stat can be raised by 1 permanently during the game (except ST which goes up by 4), so starting with 10 in any stat is a bit of a waste. IN and LK can be raised by 2 permanently instead of 1 by taking advantage of scripting glitches, so if you're not above that you shouldn't begin with more than 8 in those.

thanks! I missed that link in my search

next question:
How to make fallout (usb stick) portable?

there's a pre-modded portable version "out there" but i wanted to learn the process myself

Does changing the fallout.cfg



Yes, that will work. For example,
I'd say having a 10 in Agility is well worth it. Inflate INT, but I wouldn't say max it out.
But honestly, don't overthink this too much, the game is stat heavy but generally the stat checks are just vague conveniences throughout and you can complete the game with just about anything so long as you alter your playing style accordingly.

Just a few things to keep in mind:

With a high Agility you can "escape" battles by getting far enough away and ending combat. This works better against dumber, animal type enemies and will probably not work at all if you have a partner. I only found this out recently by watching a speedrun!

Intelligence affects dialogue way more than Charisma.

You can access your inventory in battles to suck up as many Stimpacks as you want inside the inventory menu. This may sound dumb, but I played 99% through the first game thinking I had to set stimpacks to one of my item slots and use it there.

A low lockpicking stat isn't a total bust: You can use dynamite to blow up locked doors. Likewise, you can use the Steal skill to plant live dynamite onto enemies.

You'll have to use Stealing to trade items between NPCs. They won't care, though. This was changed for Fallout 2.