Finding "The Bag" / Addiction questions

Edge386 said:
Big_T_UK...that was very cool of you. Thanks man, not only did you take the time to post the pic but you actually posted the pic with the curser on the bag...that's awesome.
You're welcome.

See aren't I helpful?

Either that or I have "too much" free time.
There is and edit button you know.


pennyliu123 in a PM wrote
Does It seem to be impolite to say "why not xxxx youself" ?
I don't know that, really. That kind of sentence is very common in Chinese, and will not hurt anybody.
Will you explain it to me? That will help me a lot. Thanks.
Ahem. "Why not xxxx yourself" means the same as "Go fuck yourself" or for short, "Fuck you". Unless suggesting someone to have sexual intercourse with theirself is polite in your culture, it is a very impolite thing to say.

:: walks off giggling ::

In Chinese, xxxx ususlly used as "......", "xx"usually used as somebody's name!

I've seen the "priceless" words by Woozs, so I could hardly go to sleep.

Now I understand, next time if I say "why not xxxx yourself", somebody can ban me at once :)

Ok, thank you again, Ash.

I wish my Chinese fellow will never know the joke I've made. :(
Jesus, this is the best thread ever!

Never before have I had the chance to learn the location of The Bag and observe the antics of Chinese in one place :D
Silencer said:
Jesus, this is the best thread ever!

Let's XXXX a snowman!

We can make him our best friend.
We can name him Tom or we can name him George!
We can make him tall, or we can make him not so tall.

He'll have a happy face, a happy smile, a happy point of view.
If you xxxx me a snowman, then I'll xxxx one for you.
Thanks God, it seems that I'm the only Chinese guy here, or, I will be like this
So, let's xxxx a snowman!
We can make him our best friend.
We can name him Bob or we can name him Beowulf!
We can make him tall, or we can make him not so tall.

(Tapdance solo)
Stiil can't go to sleep...

Wooz, can I use this as my signature:

I'm the lucky guy who told Wooz to xxxx himself but not be banned!


OK, let's stop the xxxx subject here....
(Tippity tappity tap tatap)

The blood.

The horror.

The musical.

Snowman! *whack*