EnderWiggin said:
I've seen at least 10 different people on Bethesda site use the term "Morrowind with guns" and a few "Morrowind with mutants". I think Feargie even made a reference to it as well.
And WTF does what "Feargie" says prove? Oh right, nothing whatsoever. But maybe you want to make us believe he read the Fallout threads on the Bethesda forums thoroughly because he has nothing better to do - rather than simply quoting a catchphrase which has gained undeserved popularity.
Furthermore, several people purposefully tried to stir up shit on the Bethesda forums (and elsewhere), many post were obvious trolling attempts and the posters do not deserve to be called Fallout fans. See also Saint_Proverbius' comments on the matter.
One problem with the Bethesda forums is, too many TES fans feel like voicing an opinion although they don't actually give a shit. They speak out on how Fallout 3 should be made just to piss off Fallout fans, don't care to have an informed opinion and repeat the drivel they heard somewhere, and they keep circle-jerking and confirming each other on that their opinion is right. I even witnessed a debate between people that can't be counted as die-hard Fallout fans which are actually highly in favour of Bethesda and changing Fallout being interrupted by another wave of trolls feeling the need to lecture "Fallout fans" and complain about how the Fallout threads are just used to complain and bitch about Bethesda, totally missing the fact that all these so-called die-hard fans had stopped posting long ago and the last thread(s) consisted almost exclusively of posts by people who did everything other than bash Bethesda.
Actually most so-called debates about "Morrowind with guns" and the whole "Bethesda vs. Fallout 3" issue had been started not by complaining "Fallout fans" but Morrowind fans feeling the urge to lecture the die-hard Fallout fans.
See also -> ignorance, -> informed opinion (lack of), -> your previous post
You ask if my claim about Bethesda is founded, well I frequented their site for years and followed the production of Morrowind. They asked what people wanted, and implemented it.
Well, actually my comment had two different meanings, and you decided to adress the one I didn't emphasize.
So if some TES fanboys want "Fallout in FP" and I want an overview perspective, what will Bethesda do? If some dudes ask for Diablo2-like action, and I want roundbased combat, how will Bethesda react? I don't know about that. One reason I am not happy with Bethesda getting Fallout is because they have a different design philosophy and fans that like things the way they do it, which isn't how I like things done, as opposed to other companies which may not have to be convinced to do things more like I'd like it and don't have fans who speak in favour of "Morrowind with guns" just for the fun of it.
When people complained about Morrowind, they tried to address those issues in the expansion packs.
If you think Morrowind is an empty game world, you've obviously never played it for more than two hours. You can literally play the game and expansion packs for hundreds of hours. I know people who've played the same character for two years straight and still play the game.
Ah, thank god you aren't being childish or anything. I guess "shallow and superficial" would have been more appropriate to describe Morrowind but I was of course referring in part to Terminator: Future Shock, which was pretty empty and desolate - which was allright for the setting - and to Daggerfall, which I don't know myself but is repeatedly referred to as empty, shallow and similar even by fans.
Morrowind wasn't empty, but sometimes felt empty nonetheless, and that's also what inspired so many people to make mods to liven up Morrowind. Heck, plenty of dedicated fans explicitly stated that Morrowind felt empty, dead or lifeless.
Moreover, where Morrowind didn't feel empty it felt overcrowded. The higher my level, the more the roads were infested by dangerous mobs, even close to the city walls. I can't express with words how badly that sucked. It sucked because of the lack of localized mobs, it sucked because the mobs would appear where there were no movs before, it sucked because I couldn't even travel between two locations close to each other without fighting all the time, and that sucked badly.
So, you know people who sill play the game after two years? And of course they all don't use mods because Morrowind is so rich that there is no need to screw around with it.
Oh, and I do not appreciate having to buy an expansion to adress problems of the game. Care to send me the expansions for free to convince me that Morrowind doesn't suck? No? Then I will judge the game as it is, not as it might be.
The dialogue and combat system are poor. I don't care for how you level up, but there is boatloads of content in that game.
Well, Fallout also has a rudimentary keyword system which would benefit from Morrowind's design.
I do care how you level up, and I didn't appreciate how conscious Morrowind made me of the fact that how much attribute points I gained per level up depended on which skills I used. The whole skill and leveling system is thoroughly flawed in many ways.