First images from Titan

Hosted on my server, bizitches.
Calculon... Have you named your server yet?

"This is my server, this is my lover. This is for trolling, this is for pr0n!"

- Colt
I haven't really "named" it, it's just for hosting files, as it's not powerful enough to host a website with any real amount of traffic.

Right now I call it "Server 0", or "Wardonia".
Colt said:
Heheh. I doubt it... Unfortunately the probe can't move itself as far as I know. However, I would love for something to rip it apart. That way WE would go. :D

It already HAS been ripped apart, you engrossed dumbass(es).
Ratty said:
Frankly, I don't care what some lame database programmer hates.

Yeah, i use to not care. But then a lame programmer changed the image i posted into goatse. My post got vatted and Malky yelled at me:

Malkavian said:
Really, KQX...don't you know any better?