Mad Man with a Mad Plan
Would you rather the next Fallout game follow the FPS trend, or return to its Isometric roots? Explain your answer.
Since going for FPS is what killed the series, the answer is obvious. NV was worse off for being an FPS.
First Person perspective in and of itself isn't the biggest problem. You could easily have FPP exploration and pull the camera up for combat or have blobber style FPP/TB combat like Wizardry 8 or M&M 6, but FPS combat is simply a bad choice and unfit for purpose.
Could you elaborate? Why is the first person perspective inherently bad for combat?
Sure. I said the perspective isn't inherently bad and gave a couple of examples on why not. First Person Shooter combat is the problem.
Uh, yeah, I know. Did you read my whole reply? I asked why you think it's bad for combat.
Just ask the mods to merge this thread with the other one, if it's even possible with an ongoing poll.Crap, sorry. Didn't realize there was already a similar thread, and semi-active at that. Should I delete this one?
Edit - can you even delete posts
I wish my FO2 looks as cool as this......I don't like the idea of FPS much. On the other hand, isometric can be somewhat limiting exploration wise.
In my vision of perfect Fallout sequel, the camera would from the third person perspective, but be very movable. Think something like Dragon Age Origins - where you can zoom the camera close on the character, and look at the surroundings up close.
However, as soon as combat engages, the camera goes up to isometric position (where it can also be kept as default at all times). Precision shots/VATS could also work here since you could zoom on the enemy character - think of new XCOM games.
So in essence it works and plays out like a classic Fallout game, but you have a very flexible POV that allows for more immersion when exploring the open world.
On the other hand, just default isometric is perfect. I mean, look at this.
There is much more to be said about turn-based and first person combat, but not that the one is better than another.