First time playing New Vegas!!


First time out of the vault
I can see why New Vegas is on top probably the best fall out in the series. I'm only about 2 hours in and have taken over Goodsprings (can't do that in 4 or 3 if I remember correctly) Found an incinerator, killed the sheriff of Primm (on accident) and made friends with the powder gangers. So far I'm enjoying every bit of this game. So to anyone else that hasn't played NV. It's like $3.50 on steam right now. Just buy it, you won't regret it.
Pretty sure we've all played it.

Anyone here who hasn't played it gets a sledgehammer to the groin for being inept.
I can see why New Vegas is on top probably the best fall out in the series. I'm only about 2 hours in and have taken over Goodsprings (can't do that in 4 or 3 if I remember correctly) Found an incinerator, killed the sheriff of Primm (on accident) and made friends with the powder gangers. So far I'm enjoying every bit of this game. So to anyone else that hasn't played NV. It's like $3.50 on steam right now. Just buy it, you won't regret it.
Curious first playthrough, but I like it. Usually I talk to friendly npcs, but burning them to a crisp works too, I guess.

PS: buy the dlcs. The game isn't complete without them.
PPS: Welcome to NMA! Next thing you know you'll be wasting your life on this forum just like the rest of us!
PPPS: Also play Fallout 1 and 2 or you're not a true Fallout fan.
Hey! Welcome.

Yeah, New Vegas is great, I love it. I do suggest if you've not played them, go through the first two after NV. They are very different but still are some of the best RPGs I've played. If you're still itching for more, than play Fallout 3. Unlike many others here, I actually like F3 as a sort of Post-Apoc sim. It's nowhere near as good or as deep as 1,2 and NV. But it's still fun.

Be vary of F4, through, it has some good stuff, but otherwise falls short of anything substantial.
Avoid 76 like the plague. Imagine F4 w/o any of the enjoyable stuff.
Hm. The guy tried to sneak in some random links in a quote, could be a bot.
wait... the bot knew this was a fallout fan site, did a playthrough of New Vegas, and posted about its experiences with the game?

so its sentient and did an evil playthrough the first go round?
