First Time Playthough


First time out of the vault
Hi All!

As I mentioned in my other thread (which was in the wrong section), I’m currently playing through New Vegas for the first time.

I’m not to far into the main quest, only a few hours in total, I’ve just met the NCR at there border crossing with the big statues.

I’ve been advised to tackle the DLC’s in the following order:

Honest Hearts
Dead Money
Old World Blues
Lonesome Road

My question is, is it better to play through the main quest/storyline first and then tackle the DLC’s or is it better to integrate them into the playthrough?
First of all, good luck on your first playthrough!

Don't know if you're aware, but unless you use mods you can't continue your playthrough after the end of main storyline (game informs you when you're about to pass the point of no return).

DLCs have different difficulties, each with the advised level. If you have a problem with going slightly underleveled, then you should tackle them in this order:
Honest Hearts
Old World Blues
Dead Money
Lonesome Road
First of all, good luck on your first playthrough!

Don't know if you're aware, but unless you use mods you can't continue your playthrough after the end of main storyline (game informs you when you're about to pass the point of no return).

DLCs have different difficulties, each with the advised level. If you have a problem with going slightly underleveled, then you should tackle them in this order:
Honest Hearts
Old World Blues
Dead Money
Lonesome Road

Thanks for the info!
Would you recommend a certain level for each of the DLC's so I know when to acctivate them ?
I really want to play them all :)
I disagree with Alphons here and believe you should play DLCs in the order of their release, that is:
Dead Money
Honest Hearts
Old World Blues
Lonesome Road

That being said, it's largely irrelevant how you play them as long as LR is final on that list (this is very important story-wise), but the gameplay is a factor here too. Dead Money is difficult for lower levels, but it is intended to be such, and should be played around level 20 (IIRC, each DLC gives an in-game prompt before you start it, cautioning you that the content which follows isn't vanilla content, as well as giving a recommended level - and I believe Lv 20 is recommended for Dead Money).

Other DLCs also have that prompt, but can be played whenever you see fit because each of them has level scaling of a sort (the biggest offender being LR), so it hampers up the difficulty artificially should you play them overleveled. It's a bit jarring, if you ask me, but not that bad because each of the DLCs gives some sort of constraint on your character - e.g. all your equipment is taken away from you, and you have to start from scratch with unfamiliar tools and weapons. Some of your primary skills might prove to be useless, so you will struggle a bit before you find your way around. It's all part of the experience.
That all being said, I believe DM is intended for Lv 20, HH for Lv 25, and OWB/LR for Lv 30.

In general tho, I'd say stick to the order I've written there and start DM when you're level 20, and proceed with the other when you feel comfortable. Don't bring too much stuff with you on that DLC, since you won't have much use from them - consider this a spoiler-free tip.
This goes for all of them, in a sense - most of them offer tons of new loot and weapons and you won't have enough space to haul all of that plus all the stuff from vanilla.

Good luck and enjoy!
With regards dumping me gear before some of the DLS's, am I to understand you can get a player home at some point in the game like in 3?
Yes or No is fine :)

Again, no spoliers lol :)
Yes, you do get a home in FNV. Several locations are possible, actually.
As a general advice, don't play DLCs until you get your home base.
You don't wannna play Fallout as a limp-wristed wanker jerking off 24/7, do you OP? Don't follow these shitty advices and explore everything as you wish. Avoiding LR is the worst advice ever, jump right there the moment you find the entrance and poke as far as you can with low-level character, it's the best post-apo survival kick the game can give you.
Hi All!

As I mentioned in my other thread (which was in the wrong section), I’m currently playing through New Vegas for the first time.

I’m not to far into the main quest, only a few hours in total, I’ve just met the NCR at there border crossing with the big statues.

I’ve been advised to tackle the DLC’s in the following order:

Honest Hearts
Dead Money
Old World Blues
Lonesome Road

My question is, is it better to play through the main quest/storyline first and then tackle the DLC’s or is it better to integrate them into the playthrough?

I didn't finish NV the first time I played it because of how huge it is. Try playing it at your own leisure and don't 100% it.
I didn't finish NV the first time I played it because of how huge it is. Try playing it at your own leisure and don't 100% it.

This is true. The game is huge and takes a lot of time to finish - hundreds of hours. Don't force it, especially with the DLCs. There's always something around the corner.