First time out of the vault
Hello, this is my first post on this forums. Having an avid interest in vexillology and heraldry along with an interest in Fallout and other such RPGs, I thought of making flags for the various civilizations, tribes, nations and the like in Fallout. This thread is intended for the display of such flags. Now, some flags I made.
This flag was made for a crap fan fiction I made of a Fallout taking place in Texas. The flag is of a Faction/Political party within the Republic of Texas (A confederation of multiple city-states such as Houston, Austin etc.). The faction is rather militant, led by a coalition of military generals. Said faction has little to no favour within the Texan senate but has followings from many officers and troopers within the military as well as the more jingoistic populace of Texas. The militarist faction believes that it's Texas' right to expand northward into what is now Oklahoma and part of Northern Texas and eastward into Louisiana. The more pacifistic among the Texans don't want such actions taken as it would mean clashes with ghoul confederations and the BoS up north and various hostile, but primitive, tribes to the lands in the east. The idea for the game was that this flag would replace the national flag of Texas (the state flag in our world) and replace the government with what amounts to a military Junta. The player could support this faction and help it orchestrate a coup against the current government of Texas.
This flag was made for a crap fan fiction I made of a Fallout taking place in Texas. The flag is of a Faction/Political party within the Republic of Texas (A confederation of multiple city-states such as Houston, Austin etc.). The faction is rather militant, led by a coalition of military generals. Said faction has little to no favour within the Texan senate but has followings from many officers and troopers within the military as well as the more jingoistic populace of Texas. The militarist faction believes that it's Texas' right to expand northward into what is now Oklahoma and part of Northern Texas and eastward into Louisiana. The more pacifistic among the Texans don't want such actions taken as it would mean clashes with ghoul confederations and the BoS up north and various hostile, but primitive, tribes to the lands in the east. The idea for the game was that this flag would replace the national flag of Texas (the state flag in our world) and replace the government with what amounts to a military Junta. The player could support this faction and help it orchestrate a coup against the current government of Texas.