( this is part of the Fallout New Age, game. Please Do not post in this thread unless your name is PyroPhoenix. Or you are another Character from the game )
The area arround this small outpost is somewhat Dry and dusty, the soil is useless for Farming of any type. the mine which dominates this town has just recently been returned to something close to its best working condition. Blackdust is a Poor Community With Somewhat Rudimentary Housing for Its people. It will have many hard decisions to make in its Immidiate and Distant Future. Hopefully Mayor Ezekial Westhus is up to the job
( the above Description will Evolve as the Town does )
Town Name : Blackdust
Current Population: 9
8 Free Workers
1 Merchant
Current Wealth: 10,898 caps
Current Buildings:
Tent Shelters
Well ( Current water supply 100 )
Mine ( In need of Repair )
Current Town Guards:
6 Civilian Millitia.
Estimated Tax icome - 3 caps
Merchant + 3 caps
Estimated Spending this turn - 6 caps
-6 For Town Millitia
6 10mm Colt Handguns.
The area arround this small outpost is somewhat Dry and dusty, the soil is useless for Farming of any type. the mine which dominates this town has just recently been returned to something close to its best working condition. Blackdust is a Poor Community With Somewhat Rudimentary Housing for Its people. It will have many hard decisions to make in its Immidiate and Distant Future. Hopefully Mayor Ezekial Westhus is up to the job
( the above Description will Evolve as the Town does )
Town Name : Blackdust
Current Population: 9
8 Free Workers
1 Merchant
Current Wealth: 10,898 caps
Current Buildings:
Tent Shelters
Well ( Current water supply 100 )
Mine ( In need of Repair )
Current Town Guards:
6 Civilian Millitia.
Estimated Tax icome - 3 caps
Merchant + 3 caps
Estimated Spending this turn - 6 caps
-6 For Town Millitia
6 10mm Colt Handguns.